Chapter 23

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June passes quickly, so does much of July. Its now July thirtieth, a Saturday, which makes me rejoice when I don't have to wake up early for training. Over the month, I don't think its that hard to establish that I favor staying with the Titans over the Wayne Manor greatly. I see my family once a week, patrol everyday with Robin is always fun, and best of all, no school. School was great and all, but what's fun about having teachers doubt your intelligence, being hated throughout the grade (that was quite an interestingly, yet irrelevant time), unnecessary drama over nothing, and being yelled at for refusing to do piles of homework?

"Morning" I greet everyone in the kitchen. Wayne, Kori, Jaime, and Gar are all just chilling.

"Its twelve o'clock" Wayne says as I get cereal.

"You outta' start getting used to waking up early Maple" Jaime points out.

"Why? Don't we already do that?"

"Yeah and then you go right back to bed" says Wayne.


"What he means, is that school starts in two days" as Kori says, I almost spit out my water and end up choking on my spit.

"Hold up, I thought that you just let us all not go to school?" When I got here, now one went to school. Everyone just hung around all day.

"It's summer, of course we aren't in school" Gar says.

"Wait so I actually have to go to school?"

"You are fourteen, the government says you have to until you're sixteen though I still advise for everyone on the team to get at least a high school level education" Says Kori.

"Can't I just take online school or something?"

"If you'd like to, as long as its real school" Kori says, "But everyone in the tower is attending a public school, you'd be here all alone"

"What about you?"

"I have things to do," do Grayson thats for sure. Though it does makes sense, she is an adult.

"Come on Mae, school can be fun at times. We don't even have to show up to class half the time"

"I guess" I don't wanna be alone all day like at the Wayne manor before I attended school but still... its school. Kori will be there, but will probably be out with Dick or something.

"Jaime and I still have to register, why don't you come with us?" Gar offers.

"Are we all going to the same school?" I ask while frying an egg sunny side up how I like it.

"Yeah, Tiger Jeet. Its the public school right by the beach"

"Would we have the same classes?"

"I don't think so, you turned fourteen in April yeah?" I nod my head yes. "Then you're in grade nine, everyone else is in ten"

"But I just did grade nine" I say gesturing to Wayne.

"My father wanted us in the same school and classes. I should be in ninth this year, but I already got the credits"

"Can't I just take other classes so I'm not bored and alone all day?"

"You talk to everyone, you'll be fine" Wayne says.

"We can ask when we get to the school, its always open"

"Maybe after I eat I'll come"

"We were planning on going whenever and go shopping after" Jaime says.

When Assassins Learn to Love (Damian Wayne x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن