Chapter One

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   Six years and three hundred sixty four days. Seven damn years ago I was that idiot girl who got into a strangers van, ignoring everything everyone had ever told me.

   I get up out of my cold hard bed, if you can even call it a bed. I walk out of my room and head to the kitchen to get something to eat. I find an orange and begin peeling it with a knife. The sun doesn't shine brightly as it's around eight pm and it's beginning to set. I tend to sleep during the day and work during the night, I don't have to keep up with a double life so there isn't any problem.

   I slowly eat the orange so that I can savour the taste and make it last until Deathstroke walks into the kitchen. Ever since I was around seven years old I have been his apprentice. Not by choice though.


   "I have a name you know"

   "First of all, you better watch your mouth. And yes you do have a name, however you are my apprentice and I will address you as such.

   "Not for long"

   "Oh really, you have been saying that for years now"

   I have been saying that for years. There has been times when I have escaped from being his apprentice but he's always found me again. I have currently been trying to escape for one month. I don't have anything left to loose so there isn't any risk in trying.

   "Go get ready for training, I will meet you in the training room"

   "But I'm eating"

   "What's your point?"

"I have little to no muscle how do you even expect me to go on missions if I can barely lift my rifle"

"You've done fine all this time. Plus, you should be happy I'm even letting you eat anything. He is right, before he would allow me one meal a day and it was usually something small like a sandwich or a salad. It's like he gave up trying to get me to follow his every command, which I'm happy about. There used to be a long list of rules I had to follow, around forty. Now, it's only four. One: complete missions efficiently. Two: do not leave the building without permission. Three: listen to every instruction. Four: the only food you may eat is any fruits. I understand the first three, but the last one is just weird. I don't get why I can only eat fruits. I'm not a vegan or vegetarian. I miss the taste of fried chicken, or the satisfying feeling after a having a large fulfilling meal.

   I don't feel like getting beaten tonight so I listen to Slade and get dressed in training gear. I make my way to the basement of the large house and wait for him to meet me here.

   The house we are currently staying at is in Gotham. He wants to assassinate a couple of people here for whatever reason, I never ask. I have a lot of relationships with people in Gotham so maybe I'll be able to escape while we're here.


   "My name is Maple for fucks sake get that through your thick skull" I mumble out of frustration.

   "What did you say?"


   He slaps me across the face. It stings and my lip starts to bleed a little. I wipe the dripping blood with my thumb and let it wear off my hands. I didn't expect him to slap me, but then again I really should have considering it's Slade.

   "I told you to watch your mouth. Be grateful I'm allowing you to speak at all" He then acts as if nothing happened.

   For the next three hours he trains me, hard. Usually whenever he bothers to train me he just teaches me to use a new weapon or improve my worst skills. Today, we did hand to hand combat which was very difficult.

   Over the past seven years we have sparred so many times we know each others every move. Whenever we spar it's just a matter of who messes up first. Because of all the rage I have built inside me, I decided to just take it out while sparring. I'm not very strong, but Im pretty much on par with Slade. The only difference between fighting styles is that I use my wit and fight more strategically while he uses brute force. Slade still uses strategy, but not as much as I do.

   After cleaning up the room, I exit the dark basement. Makes me wonder how long it's been since I've actually seen the sun shining. Not just seeing the sun, but a bright blue sky with the warm rays against my skin. Even though I can't stand the heat, I still miss it. Its been a little while since I've seen it.

   I head to the kitchen starving but Slade stops me. "What did I do now?" I sigh.

   "Nothing, you have a mission tonight in two hours. I suggest you take a nap before leaving because I expect you to succeed." Great, I'm probably going to have to assassinate some random person who probably didn't do anything wrong. Yay.

   "What's the mission?"

   "It's quite simple actually. All you have to do is assassinate someone for a bit of money" I knew it, "Finn Chitin"

   "The drug dealer?" I have head of him before.

   "Yes. I was offered seventy thousand dollars in return for killing him"

   "So why do you want me to do it?"

   "I'm busy tonight. You will go do the job for me. All you have to do is kill him and go to the address I will send you to collect the money"

   "This seems awfully vague"

   "All you have to do is put a bullet through his head simple. Chitin is said to be dealing with someone later today. I will send you the coordinates and other information so you won't have to track him down. The person you will be collecting the money from is a competing drug dealer." That's still vague. Hopefully I can get away from Slade while on the mission because he'll be on his own mission.


   "Oh, and don't try to escape while on the mission." It's like he read my mind.

   "Why not?"

   "You never noticed? I placed a tracker inside your right arm. Try to escape and I'll only find you again" Damn, I need a plan.


Here's the first chapter, the other ones are longer but this is it for now. I hope you enjoyed :)

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