Chapter 10

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Hi I'm back. I'll update two chapters at a time today because I left y'all for more than a week. Enjoy :) 

"Ow Wayne let go of me!"

"Just get out of the car Alvarez. We are going to be late!"

"I don't wanna go to scho- OW! For fucks sake you didn't have to pull my hair that shit hurts!"

"No it doesn't you just have a low pain toleran-OW!"

"See it hurts doesn't it"

"Just come on. We need to go to the office and sign you in to the school" Wayne explains. Alfred had handed me my backpack which I assumed he filled with the books I would need just before I went off. Wayne then leads me to the office of the school and we are greeted by the secretaries.

"Mr. Wayne may I ask what brings you here?" A cheery blond woman asks.

"This is Maple Alvarez my father told me to get her signed into the school"

"Oh yes we are getting a new student today it's a pleasure to meet you Maple! Mr. Wayne if you can take her to Mrs. Stewards office she will have everything for her. Thank you!"

"TT" Wayne takes me to an office and there is an older woman, about forty years old.

"Are you Maple Alvarez?" She asks. Her voice is annoying and rude sounding, a lot like Waynes. If they had a kid (somehow) the kid would have the most obnoxious voice to ever be heard and would probably break glass with the amount of annoyance that comes out of that kids mouth.


"Well here is your schedule, your gym cloths and a student handbook. Your locker is the one beside Damian's." She says.

"Ok then thanks" I say walking away.


"What now?"

"You are violating the schools dress code!"

"Great job Alvarez"

"You could have at least told me Wayne"

"You are not wearing the jacket, or stockings and your shoes are not the proper flats you must wear. Theres also no piercings aloud and your skirt is rolled up." 

"The skirt doesn't fit around my waist, you can barely even see my piercings, wearing flats is a major tripping hazard, its five thousand degrees outside to be wearing stockings and the jacket is ugly"

"Well you must follow the dress code"

"Well I am not in a good mood right now lady so you can go and suck on an avocado right after you go and stick a banana up your hairy a-"

I should've had breakfast.

"Come on Alvarez lets get to class" Wayne interrupts while dragging me away from the bitchy lady and out of the office. "I'll show you wear your locker is" He says. As he leads me to my locker I get stares from a bunch of other students in the hallway.

"Why did she tell me I violated the dress code when literally no one here is wearing the jacket and has their skirts rolled up"

"Because unlike the other girls here you don't even try to hide it"

"Well the skirt doesn't fit me and will just fall down if I don't roll it up"

"Well that's not my problem, plus you can just sew it or ask Alfred to make it tighter. Here, your locker is here beside mine, number 1035. We have math first period then gym, lunch, science and geography"

When Assassins Learn to Love (Damian Wayne x OC)Where stories live. Discover now