Chapter 8

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This chapters wayyyy longer than all the others. I probably could've spilt it into two chapter or maybe even three chapters, but oh well. Enjoy :)

After Batman said he wanted me to work with him, I went back to the manor. He told me that I would meet him every Thursday and Saturday night as Ace to go on patrol. I don't know why I agreed, I don't know why I ever agree to anything. Maybe I just suck at saying no to people. Maybe that's what I'll work on from now on.

The dream I had last night was the basic selection of nightmares I always have. Its weird because I always get the same nightmares reflecting on the past, so its like they almost can't even scare me anymore. Almost.

My dream was basic. I am afraid of whats going to happen to me in the future, and my dreams reflect that. It seems as if everyone around me controls my life and I don't get a single say in what happens. Maybe its just because I'm far too passive. I should be more direct and try to speak up more, but when I do it often feels like no one ever listens.

I wake up at around eleven am. Even though Bruce said he wanted me up by eight, I'm tired and I'm not used to getting up early. I have nothing to do today so I put on black leggings and a plain black long sleeve. It's a lot tighter than before, I must have grown thankfully. Luckily I don't have to wear the same randomly selected cloths or my uncomfortable shoes. Instead I wear black high tops as they are easier to move in.

I head to the kitchen with my to grab food and see Wayne still reading the last Harry Potter book at the table. How slow of a reader can he be? "Good morning" I greet.

"It's barely even morning Alvarez. I don't understand how lazy you have to be to not be able to wake up at an appropriate hour"

"I don't understand why you always have to be so rude"

"You are invading my fathers house and my space so I believe that I am not obligated to be nice to you"

"I never asked to be here you know" I say while taking a mango and knife from the fruit bowl. It's been about a year since I've even smelled a mango, so it is the first thing I grab.

"Well I never asked for you to be here either"

"Well then we agree" I don't understand how some people struggle to be nice. It really isn't that hard, you just don't be an asshole. I take out my phone and plug in my earbuds to watch Netflix at the counter. I may have programmed it to automatically pick up and use the nearest internet connection and maybe steal money from big time companies. Its a little illegal, but no one will ever find out. As I start to find something to watch while peeling the mango, Wayne interrupts. "What is that?"

"A mango?" Does he not know what fruit is?

"No, the phone. Where did you get it from?" I know he's probably Robin, but I'm not sure if I want him to know I know.

"I made it" it's not a lie, I did assemble it myself.

"My father said you can not use any technology and I am certain that a phone is technology"

"He said not to use any of the computers or technology in the manor. This was brought into the manor"

"So you escaped! My father will hear about this!"

"I'm like, ninety nine percent sure he already knows" Bruce Wayne is Batman, come on silly keep up.

"That isn't even real math you imbecile"

"Well I didn't know I'm not allowed to use expressions you ass"

"What did you just call me?" He snapped while getting out of his seat.

When Assassins Learn to Love (Damian Wayne x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin