Chapter 14

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Make sure to stick around till the end o the chapter because I put a small mini chapter from around in between chapter 12! Enjoy :)

"Maple wake up we're here" Nightwing says. He must have changed back into his uniform while I was sleeping just as Robin did. I open my eyes and see five people in front of me. A tall red head, a tall blonde, a tall green guy, and a tall normal looking guy. Everyone's taller than me, but thats the least of my problems. I know the blonde girl. Terra or Tara, whatever her name is. We did not leave off on good terms.

I get out of the car, making sure to not forget my backpack, and see Nightwing and the tall red head shake hands. "Good to see you again Nightwing." She says.

"Starfire. Its good to see you too" they totally dated. I know it. Theres an awkward silence that Robin breaks by clearing his throat so they acknowledge his existence.

"Robin, welcome back how was your time away?"

"It was fine. I see you have added another member"

"Yes I have" She gestures to Terra/Tara. "And you must be Ace. Welcome to the team!" Everyone gets a little wide eyed, which is reasonable. I feel like they should have been told that their new member would be an assassin. I know I would be shocked. Or maybe they're just shocked that I am Ace. Most people don't believe I'm an assassin until I have to actually put them over my shoulder.

"My name is Maple"

"Well it is a pleasure. I am Kori'andr, the leader of the team. This is Jaime, Garfield, Raven and Terra" A ringtone goes off from Nightwings phone.

"I wish I could stay, but I got to get to Bludhaven, it was great to see you guys again" He says hopping into the car. I guess Nightwing usually works in Bludhaven like how Batman usually works in Gotham.

After Nightwing leaves, Kori'andr tells Terra to show me to my room while she talks with everyone else. Terra looks nervous which makes sense. I glare at her hard. Is it a bitch move? Yes. I will be respectful and civil, but that does not mean being nice to her.

"You know you can't just ignore me forever" She says.

"Ok then, what do you want me to say?"

"I don't know just stop staring at me like I did something"

"You did do something. You know I don't usually hold grudges but you can't expect me to act like nothing happened. Its not like it happened ages ago either"

"It was two or three months ago, can't you just let it go?"

"I helped you and in return you hook up with the person who completely fucked up my entire life"

"It was just a one time thing its not like I even talk to Slade anymore"

"So? A 'sorry for choosing some random person over the person who's saved my life' would have been appreciated."


"Not to mention the fact that he's like, fifty!"

"Here's your room" I didn't even notice we had made it to my room. I give her an obviously fake smile and then walk into the room. I make sure to shut the door behind me.

The room is quite nice and simple, it also has a washroom which is nice. It has light coloured wooden furniture and the bed sheets are a light sky blue. There is also a large blue abstract painting hanging right above the bed.

I lay on the bed because I'm so tired, despite just taking a nap in the car. However just as I was about to close my eyes, someone walks into the room to he bed, multiple people actually. I'm annoyed but I keep my cool. "Ace" Kori'andr greets. I sit up and look up to them.

When Assassins Learn to Love (Damian Wayne x OC)Where stories live. Discover now