Chapter 18

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Just a reminder that I update every Sunday though it's usually later than sooner. Enjoy. :)

I am woken up at around seven am in a not so pleasant way. The serum takes a couple hours to be activated. The serum has taken affect on my body, and it makes everything extremely cold which is weird and uncomfortable. Its probably just a side affect though. Theres also the fact that my body is covered in bruises and burns that are probably infected by now.

Slade walks into the room holding a staff that looks like it has a symbol on it. It looks like it has the symbol of DS for Deathstroke on the bottom of it but I can't exactly be sure because my vision is a little blurred.

"What are you doing?" I ask as he walks towards me. He holds the staff as if you would hold a sword. "What are you doing?" I ask again, a little more panicked as he gets closer to me.

Slade crouches down to my level and grabs ahold of my arm tightly, so tight that my arm begins to bleed. He pulls it far away from body, so much so that I cry out as my shoulder, that is dislocated, stings from the force. "S-Stop it! Let go!" Slade takes out his staff and presses it onto my wrist. I scream out as the staff burns the 'DS' onto it, engraving it into my skin. I keep screaming until Slade takes the iron off of my skin.

Tears stream down my face when I see that he has branded me. I'm nothing more than a piece of property to him. An object. A weapon. I'm worthless to him, with my only value being that I can fight good and am sort of smart.

"I am going on a mission. This mark on your skin means that I own you, so you listen to me, and only me. You will not leave this building while I am out, and its covered with traps that make it impossible to escape, so don't even try." Slade says while getting up and walking away. "Oh, by the way, we leave for Cadmus Labs tomorrow morning and theres lots food in the kitchen for you" with that, he leaves.

I'm back at square one again. For the third time.

I will not fail this time. I can't.

Even if I don't wanna be tortured, thats not why. If I go to Cadmus hundreds of other people will die. I have until tomorrow morning to get away from Slade before its too late.

I groan as I sit up and wait to hear Slades car exit the drive way. Though I realize that theres no point in doing so as I won't hear anything at all because of how fucked my hearing is.

I try to stand, I'm a little bit dizzy, but it works. I had a dream about Slade yesterday, before I went to the beach with the Titans. The exact same thing happened, as if I could tell the future. The main difference being that I was to weak to stand up. Now that dream is a reality, but I can stand up. Its nice to know I'm stronger than I think I am.

I get up and drag myself to the washroom. There isn't any mice like there used to be, probably because I don't hide food in the washroom anymore like I used to. I start a cold bath and strip myself of my cloths. I still wear the same black sneakers, shorts, and swimsuit that I wore before hand.

I step into the tub and begin to clean off all the dirt and sand that covers my body. The cold temperature gives me more energy to fuel my body.

When I get out I wrap a towel around my body and drop my cloths into the tub to wash them off as they're my only cloths. While I let the blood get soaked out of them I grab a knife from one of the drawers. I take it and slit my wrist open without any hesitation.

I've slit my wrists before, because I was well, am stupid. This, actually has good reason though. I cut the mark that Slade left on my wrist out.

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