Chapter 2

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My plan for the night is simple, complete the mission, get the money and rip my arm open.

After I assassinate Chitin all I have to do is find someone to hook me up with a metal scanner so I can find the tracker in my arm. That way I don't have to tear of half my flesh just to find the coin sized tracker. I wonder how Slade even got it inside me in the first place.

"Apprentice," I hear him say while barging into my room. "It is almost time for you to leave. You will use my bike to get to your location. I left instructions for you and I expect you be back by three am with the money" he says and walks out.

I throw my long hair into a high ponytail and begin to put on my uniform. I have four uniforms, they are all different but similar enough so you can tell it's me. The one I'm wearing is all black, they all are. I wear baggy track pants that hold many pockets for weapons. The top is a tight long sleeve that is bullet proof. I have stained black cuffs that go up to my elbow that are also bullet proof. The top is tighter fitting with a hood attached to cover my face. I be sure not to forget my gloves and white combat boots that contrast with the rest of my uniform.

I lace up my boots and take out my large backpack. The backpack is bottomless. Inside I have cloths, tons of money, sentimental items and every weapon known to man. It appears like a regular school bag that a regular student would use, it's a wonder Slade has never found it after all these years.

I take out a duffle bag and inside of it is my sniper rifle, it's what I'll be using to take out Chitin. I also stuff some knives and two pistoles into my pockets. That way if I run into police or any rival hitman (or girls) I'll be prepared.

I don't ever bring my backpack on missions because if I loose it I loose almost everything I own, which is very little.

I pull my hood over my head and it covers my face. I go from a harmless looking fourteen year old to the deadly assassin. Ace.

I grab the duffle bag and make my way to the main room of the house to meet Slade. I kind of get lost because of how large the house is, its basically a mansion. We switch houses every couples weeks, sometimes days. We've been at this house for around one week.

"Ace" he addresses.

"How come when I'm not in the whole get up you call me 'apprentice' But when I am, you call me Ace?"

"Because, Ace is known as an independent assassin, even though you aren't." I have always wondered why Slade has never actually worked with me on a mission. I bet most people don't even know we know each other.


"Anyways, the mission. I have all the details you need to complete it filled out on the motorcycle in the parking lot. You better not fail this one. Be careful of certain... people." He says and I just leave. I just want to get the mission done and find someone to get the tracker out of my arm. Seeing as I'm in Gotham, I can probably get it off on the way back.

I step outside and look at the information on the sleek bikes screen. It has a lot of tech on it, it's like a computer was basically attached to it.

I read the instructions he gave me and see what he meant by "be careful of certain people". Chitin is in Gotham, fuck. Gotham means Batman, he has allies too. I've encountered him once before when I was around ten years old. I did well against Batman, but he had a partner who was around my age. Slade had warned me about him as he was extremely lethal, like me. Of course I didn't listen though. The brat broke my collarbone and I got sent to jail. I guess I kind of deserved it though because I accidentally gave him a concussion and fractured his wrist.

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