Chapter 9

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It's ten o'clock right now. I "meditated" a lot longer than I thought I would so I ended up accidentally skipping lunch and dinner. I'm glad I did though because I feel better now.

I'm not very tired right now and I'm bored out of my mind. Maybe I'll go back to the building I was on before. It's nice to look at all the cars and sounds in the city.

I grab my backpack just in case I'll need it and start to leave the manor. I still don't hear anyone so I am pretty certain Batman is Bruce Wayne. Or maybe I don't hear anyone because I'm half deaf?

I walk to the building which is only about twenty minutes away from the house. It is the perfect size to sit at the edge and have your legs dangling in the air. If I fall I'll be able to save myself and there isn't much people around here. I can see the lights and cars in the distance along with loud police sirens. The sky is clear unlike yesterday and it looks like it might be sunny tomorrow. It is a dark blue, not too dark because of the street lamps that light up the city.

I hope someday Gotham will be safe enough for children to be able to go to the park in the evening, or for people to throw house parties without worrying about a murderer sneaking inside to shoot up the place. How on Earth did Gotham get so corrupt in the first place?

Even though this city is probably the worst imaginable, it is still ok. Theres many tall buildings to look off to and well... that's about it.

I should really get out of the manor more even if Bruce/Batman say I'm not allowed. If I stay in the manor for too long I'd probably go crazy. I don't even know how Batman expected me to stay in there. When you've been restricted from going outside for so long of course you're gonna go outside the first chance you get. Plus, I don't think Batman would beat me if I escaped because I'm really not doing anything wrong, unlike Slade would. I'm not committing any crimes, or interacting with any bad people, and I'm not doing any drugs so I should be fine.

I feel pretty good about the fact that I haven't gotten high in over two weeks. Its not like I'm an addict or anything, it would just calm me down. I just feel accomplished with the fact that I am actually bothering to take care of myself now.

"Maple" Shit, I've been caught. Again. I turn around to see Red Hood and Red Robin behind me.

"Back to the manor now isn't it?"

"Yup" Red Robin reply's.

"Why do you sneak out? Isn't it safer in the manor?"

"Well yeah but if I just stay inside there without getting any air I'd probably loose my mind. Plus, its not like I can't protect myself"

"Makes sense" Red Hood says, "Lets talk, we haven't done that in a long while" He says sitting beside me with Red Robin joining him awkwardly.

"I miss our random conversations"

"Me too"

"But aren't there people who need your help?"

"Batman, Nightwing and Robin have that covered."

"Ok then. I've been wondering, what even is your relation to Bruce Wayne. Iv'e been wondering about it for some time now"

"Close family friends" Liar. Maybe they are, but they're way more than friends.


"Speaking of Bruce Wayne, how have you enjoyed the manor?" Red Robin asks.

"I mean its nice and all, it just get boring."

"What about everyone else, are they nice? Bruce does have a son your age you can talk to"

"Oh yeah, him. He has some major issues"

When Assassins Learn to Love (Damian Wayne x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt