S: "That's good to hear. What about Shawn? Did you guys figured things out?."

R: "Shawn and I are good. He is laying on the couch with Lou as we speak."

S: "Oo Lou...."- he sighs deeply. That doesn't sound too good. "I have booked some puppy training for her on Monday. That dog is lacking some serious manners."

I gasp loudly. He did not just say that about my baby...

R: "She is perfect. Thank you very much." It feels like someone is attacking my child. I grab two bottles of water out of the fridge. Shawn said earlier that he was thirsty but he of course, got distracted by Lou.

S: "She has destroyed two pair of shoes of mine. Two good pair of shoes, Rose. If you do not take her, I will."

R: "There is nothing wrong with my baby." I mumble, getting slightly annoyed by him attacking my child.

With the two water bottles in my hand, I walk back to my two loves, who are still spread out over the couch.

"No Lou. Stop biting my sweater." I hear Shawn say.

Okay, maybe Scott has a point.

Shawn looks up as I sit down next to him on the couch and hand him the bottle. "Who's on the phone?." He mouths to me.

I turn the screen of my phone and show him Scott his name. "Ahh." He mumbles and continues playing with Lou.

S: "So, umm.. there is something I want to talk to you about. Well, actually to both you and Shawn."-

"I am here, Scott." Shawn says.

S: "O hey. How's it going bro?."

"Good. Hyped to be back in the busyness of LA." He says sarcastically. I nor Shawn wanted to leave our save haven.

R: "What do you want to talk about, Scottie?." If I do not interrupt, these two will end up talking about sports. They are both major ice hockey fans.

S: "Um yeah. I actually wanted to talk about the whole situation. I don't know if any of you have looked online yet but people are going crazy. Somehow they have figured out why the two of you went away..."-

"Yeah, we know. We heard the paparazzi outside." Like I said. It was hard to miss what they were saying.

S: "Yeah... well, I and Andrew are on top of it to figure out how this news came out but unfortunately, the damage is already done. I have told you Rose, before you two went to Canada, that Andrew and I think that it is a good idea for the two of you to sit down and make a video about it. You don't have to talk the whole video about the... umm..."- I know that Scott doesn't want to say the word. Miscarriage. It is what it is. "Situation. You could simply make a Q&A and pick out the questions you guys are comfortable with to answer."

My eyes meet Shawn's brown ones. Without saying anything, I can read in his eyes what he thinks.

R: "That's probably the best option." We have to speak about it. I know this will not go away until we adres this matter.

S: "Yeah? Good. I will call Andrew about it and inform him."

R: "Sure. Talk to you later Scott."

S: "Take care, you two." We say our goodbyes and I disconnect the call.

"Are you ready for this?." Shawn mumble as he takes my hand in his and caress the back of my hand with his thumb.

"We cannot keep hiding. People will start to think that we are ashamed of what has happened. I am not ashamed of our baby." He will never be labeled as a mistake. Even though he is not here, his mom will make sure of that.

Hi babes,

Okay so, Rose and Shawn are going to record a Q&A.

Do you guys have any questions for them? Can be about the baby/miscarriage but also about their relationship or general life stuff. Whatever you want to know.

Please, let me know!

I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend so far!

All the love in the world, M.

Ps. I love seeing your comments! Keep them up! ❤️

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