Chapter Thirty-Five

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Jungkook couldn't run to her fast enough. His feet clamored against the concrete, echoing in the walls through the sounds of battle. She should have noticed him approaching.

But she didn't look up.

Jungkook threw himself on his knees, not paying any attention to the pain when they hit the stone floor. His frantic eyes scanned Miyeon's body, which was still motionless, facing the opposite direction.

Why isn't she turning to me?

His hand reached for her shoulder and forced her to roll onto her back, guilt seizing him. He didn't want to hurt her, oh God he didn't want to hurt her.

As soon as he rolled her to her back she came to life. Her throat let out ripped groans, her eyes squeezed shut, her body squirmed in evident pain. Jungkook could see why: her forearm had been gashed open deep. His vision went blurry at the amount of blood.

"Miyeon! I'm here!"

He leaned closer to her face, trying to catch her eyes, but they remained shut in teary panic. She continued to convulse, and Jungkook could catch more injuries. There were cuts and scrapes randomly across her body, and a heavy bruise on her right cheek. He prayed there was nothing under her hair, no bones broken, nothing he couldn't see. The wound in her arm was enough.

Her hand was soaked wet in blood, but Jungkook clasped it as tight as he could anyway. His throat was beginning to choke up, but he swallowed the sobs.

"It's Jungkook, it's me, Mi--"

Her body lurched upwards, this time her voice ripping a cry to go along with it. Panic surged through Jungkook, but he managed to hold on.

"What's going on? Where does it hurt? Miyeon, tell me where it hurts."

Her eyes finally opened, and he could see the most fear and pain in them that he'd ever seen. Tears were streaming down them, rolling over the dust on her face and bruise on her cheek. She could still only seem to respond with cries and gasps, her expression becoming more and more terrified as she continued to struggle.

Jungkook's fingers gripped her slippery hand harder, even if she didn't reciprocate it. "Listen to my voice, Miyeon, please breathe, please hold on....."

"Your...your v.....your voice....."

The words seemed to shiver out of her mouth, so struggled and distorted from her agonizing that he barely understood them.

His heart made a minuscule leap. He leaned directly over her now, pushing away the tears threatening to come out of his eyes and simply making sure she could see his whole face. "Yes, my voice! Listen please Miyeon, stay with me, look at me, just stay with'll b-be okay."

He needed to be strong. She had been there for him so many times, so many different ways. He had to be strong.

But nothing felt more difficult than resisting the urge to hold her, to pick her up and run far away from the fight across the room and just never letting go. He wanted her to feel his arms around her, he needed her to feel safe and protected and better.....

His free hand dragged a thumb across her forehead, through the dirt and dried up blood. He bent down and laid a single kiss on the area he cleared with his thumb.

"I'm going to get you out of here."

He felt the wet fingers close around his weakly. They were shaking in his hold, but they wrapped around regardless. Jungkook sat back up right and found she was still trembling, but more composed. Her breath was gasping and irregular, her cries whining out every few seconds, but at least the treacherous writhing had stopped.

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