Chapter Six

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"Is she okay?"

"She probably will be," Jungkook answered, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "We just waited too long, I guess."

Monster peered at his watch. "Jin's had her for over an hour now. Go check and see what's happening."

"Will do." Jungkook left the office and headed to the infirmary room, which was basically a sectioned off part of Jin's bedroom. Only Jin and Monster had their own rooms in the apartments, and the rest were paired up; Yoongi and Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung. Jungkook, being the most recent member, had the honor of remodeling the tailor shop's dressing rooms to make into a bedroom. He didn't have a close bathroom and wasn't on the same floor as everyone, but he didn't spend a lot of time in it anyway.

He knocked on Jin's door, to a nearly immediate reply. "You can come in, she's still out, but she's cleaned and stitched up."

Miyeon was in bed with a single sheet over her Her eyes were closed and her face was stony; Jin had tied her hair up on top of her head. There were things about her Jungkook hadn't seen before Jin cleaned her. There was no more dirt on her face and neck, revealing a deep purple bruise on her left cheekbone, a sliced lip, and a line of bruising and scarring down her neck and collarbones. She looked so still it was as if she were dead, but her chest rose and fell steadily. 

"I didn't want to talk to her anyway," Jungkook scoffed. Then he jumped in realization. "Where are her belongings? She didn't answer many questions when she was awake."

"You wanna snoop?" Jin smiled devilishly. "The shit from her pockets is in the closet."

Jungkook slid open the closet door next to Miyeon's bed. Inside was a wallet, an empty pill bottle, and a switchblade. 

"Was this the only weapon on her?" He called out to Jin.

"I didn't find anything else."

Jungkook picked up the wallet. There was some bills (he would remember that for later, an ID, and a beat up woven bracelet tucked inside. He pulled out the ID, which was just a driver's license. Her birthday said she had gotten it when she was sixteen, but the years added that Miyeon was eighteen. He didn't understand; the card itself seemed untouched. Maybe she wasn't allowed to drive.

Suddenly, his heart stopped.

Letchner, Miyeon A.

She's his fucking daughter?

The scars and bruises on her neck...her stories of him...doing things to wonder she didn't ditch the family sooner. If she was just an associate like she claimed to be, it would have been easy. But the daughter of Letchner?

He had to tell Monster. 

He picked the money out from the wallet to pocket, until a white card fluttered out. It had a blue diamond.

Holy shit.

He picked up the mud and blood-stained card and flipped it over. She hadn't been lying. The were twelve letter-number combinations, all printed tiny on the back, all to....

Bearclove Warehouse 4, Assault Weapon Access Codes

"Jin," Jungook called, refusing to tear his eyes from what he was reading. "We're going to have to have a family meeting."

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