Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Why not? You're not scared, are--"

"I'm not scared of anything, Jungkook!"

"Then try the kick!"

"You're gonna swipe my foot again, you asshole!"

Jungkook held his hands up in mockery. "I won't touch you this time, you can try it for real."

Miyeon didn't move from her stance. Jungkook saw her stony look; he deserved it after all. Miyeon had done much better than he had previously expected when they started sparring that morning, so they used the opportunity to practice new moves. Soon enough, he learned just how fun it was to mess them up at last second. More than once he had ruined her move, just to get the rise out of her, of course. 

"I'm serious, Jungkook." He could hear her agitation with him.

"I am, too!" he beamed, enjoying every second of her annoyed voice. 

Miyeon took a deep breath, tensing her stance a bit. "Don't try any shit."

"I swear I won't."

Miyeon blinked once, focusing her eyes on his abdomen where she'd be aiming. Jungkook stood still, preparing to take the blow.....

Ha. Not.

As soon as Miyeon's foot came around to kick him, Jungkook reached out and took a hold of her ankle. He saw the split second of fear in Miyeon's eyes as she felt her weight get thrown off by the imbalance, sending her into a stumble that eventually ended on the floor. Jungkook had already let go of her ankle, laughing and grinning above her as she fumed.

"Fuck you, Jungkook!" she spat, helping herself up slowly. She threw a glare at him before turning to leave his bedroom.

Jungkook shook his head. Her tone wasn't the ominous, unforgiving tone she had when she was genuinely mad. It was just frustration. Frustration with his antics, he supposed.

This was his excuse to laugh harder, naturally.

"Okay, okay," Jungkook said, taking her shoulder and turning her back to face him. She didn't look pleased. "You know the only reason I'm messing with you is because you're.....actually doing decent."

"Maybe I was, before you started fucking up everything I tried to do!"

"Exactly!" Jungkook grinned. "Miyeon, I don't know why you exaggerated being a 'bad fighter' so much, you're doing fine.  Whatever happened at the warehouse was just bad luck."

Jungkook saw Miyeon twist her mouth up. 

"Are you saying..." She looked at the floor. "Are you saying I'm a good fighter?"

Jungkook hesitated. Her voice was...soft? He had never heard that from Miyeon before, not unless she was comforting him after the tragedy. Was she sad? Scared?


He sighed uneasily. "Yes, Miyeon, I promise you're a good fighter."

Miyeon didn't pick her eyes up from the floor. She didn't respond. Instead, he heard.....a sniffle?

She wasn't crying was she? She hadn't even cried when she was stabbed in the stomach! This is what pushed her over the edge.

Jungkook felt panic bells go off in his brain. How was he supposed to help her? He wasn't exactly the most sensitive person. He didn't even know what he did wrong? Was this a Miyeon thing or a....a 'girl' thing?

He acted quickly. "Hey, Miyeon, listen, I'm sorry I teased you...."

He reached out and put three fingers on her chin, trying to lift her face up to see her eyes (this was comforting, right?) The thought of actually seeing her cry scared him, but he needed proof.

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