Chapter Two

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After shrieks of anger and minutes of beating the man, the girl had worn herself out. She toppled down onto the ground, catching sight of Jungkook's armed self while doing so. She reeled back.

"Who are you?"

"I wanted to ask the same thing," Jungkook said. "What the fuck just happened?"

"None of your business." She crawled backwards on her hands and backside, looking frantically at the ground. She noticed something near the man's head, grabbed it, and then continued to glare at Jungkook.

"What do you want?" She spat.

"What the fuck happened?" Jungkook repeated aggressively. "Who is that guy?"

"Why?" she seethed. "You gonna rat me out, asshole?" She suddenly doubled over and clutched her stomach, perhaps in nausea. "The shithead deserved it. He was trying to get in my pants. Are you here to do the same?"

Jungkook was losing his patience. He had come to help, why was she being so fucking rude? "I was trying to make sure that didn't happen, you street rat."

The girl tried to stand up, just to fall back down with a grunt. The object she had taken from the ground fluttered out of her hands. It was a little business-looking card.

He didn't care how annoyed the girl got, he wanted answers for real now. "What is that?" He gestured to the card. It was wrinkled and ripped, but he would make out a clear, familiar blue diamond symbol on it. Monster had shown it to him before.

The girl only shot cold looks between gasping and panting.

"I said what is that!" Jungkook knew he had a risky short temper, but she was the one who disrespected him first. 

She frantically heaved herself over the ground, reaching for the paper. She clutched it with white knuckles. "Leave me alone! This doesn't involve you!"

Clearly she was apart of a family, and she knew he was too, or else she wouldn't be so standoffish. And if Jungkook had learned anything over the last few years, it was that knowing another family's activity was priceless information. 

"Who do you work for?"

"I said leave me the fuck alone!" She swooped one leg across the ground with a force Jungkook hadn't expected. It struck his ankles hard and he felt himself almost collapse from the loss of balance. When he was stable, he felt his teeth grinding in anger.

"You fucking punk!" 

"I can't give this to you. Kick me and beat me if you want. Fucking kill me for all I care. I'll have it destroyed before it's in your hands." She glared up at him with such a bloodthirsty intensity he felt his jaw clench.

"I'm guessing that guy is dead because of that paper." He scoffed dominantly. "But don't think I'm scared of you, prick." He impulsively stomped a worn out boot on her stomach, when she unexpectedly screeched in pain. He jumped back. He didn't hit her that hard. 

"What the fuck was that? Are you trying to get yourself caught?"

Her face was silently twisted in pain. She lifted up her t shirt just enough to expose a gushing wound in her lower abdomen. It must have been by a blade, because the center of her   stretched a few inches up her stomach. Jungkook peered to her left and saw the glint of a dagger under the dead man's arm. He approached it, kicking his arm to reveal the hilt of the dagger. A familiar silver crest was engraved in. He gasped. 

"This guy is from Bearclove," he thought aloud. Bearclove was the largest and most famous family in the city. 

"They have an alliance with--agh!" She gasped in pain again and clutched her stomach.

"With who?" Jungkook asked, before freezing in panic.

Sirens. Jesus Christ. He wasn't finished with her yet.

"Get up, get the fuck up," he grunted, reaching for her arm. "We have to go. Now."

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Do you want to be found bleeding out in the street? Hurry up."

She flung her arm away, but heaved herself begrudgingly upright. Her arms and jaw were shaking from the injury, and her breath was short and inconsistent. Her stubborn ass refused to show any visible pain.

She shot a cold glare up at him. "If you take anything from me, I'll make sure it's the last thing you do."

"We'll talk about that card later, just take my arm and get the fuck up." 

He reached his arm out again to her and she hesitantly propped herself up without it, still refusing to touch him. She was taking too long.

Jungkook lost his patience. "If you don't take my hand now, I'm leaving you here to die and I'll be back for that card!"

With that, she immediately grasped his hand and pulled herself up. She doubled over a bit and clutched her wound, but Jungkook didn't let her stop moving. "Just walk."

With obvious reluctance she gripped his shoulder and arm in an attempt to walk, revolted by him but too pained to find a different solution. He hurried her along, constantly pushing against her back to force her along. The police would be here, they just had to move out.

So out the alley they went, leaving the man with no heartbeat behind. 

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