Chapter Four

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The Letchner family basically owned the entire drug relay of Seoul. Each famous family had their specialties; The Perilla Clan were skilled physical fighters, making their casualty count low but still were intimidating enough to get what they wanted. The Bearclove family had an impressively extensive weapon collection, as Monster said there were warehouses full of them hidden all around the city. They also happened to be the largest family, with dozens of soldiers for each capo. Bangtan contained the seven best hit men in the city, probably the country. Jungkook and his gang-mates were known for the casualty count, the efficiency, and most of all, the overwhelming success they had achieved from only having seven members. 

But the Letchners absolutely dominated drug circulation. Bangtan helped pass it along, as the cycle of drugs through the city and the families had to always be in continuation to keep things civil. But Monster never allowed drug use in the gang. Jungkook had to give up some of his favorite past times from years before he joined Bangtan, but they weren't worth it in the end. Sobriety was a small price to pay for everything Monster had given him. 

Jungkook practically dragged the girl (who he only referred to as Prick, since she was too stubborn to give her name) through the city to the Bangtan quarters. They weren't too hidden or remote. If the police found out, Minster had a plan. He had a launder system for the money aspect. And their dorms were in an old abandoned tailor shop, a pretty big one too, set with apartments on top and a hidden basement no one had even found until after Jungkook joined. They could hide all mafia ordeals in the basement, and simply live in the rest of the building. It was perfect.

"Alright. We're here."

He pushed Prick's weight off him and she stumbled. For a second, he caught himself glancing to see if she was okay. He regretted it...she was fine anyway.

He gestured to the chipped back door. It opened to a tiled opening hallway. "After you, cripple."

The piercing look on her face made him think she would spit on him, but luckily for both of them, it seemed she knew better. She stumbled through the door and into the hallway and waited for Jungkook to follow. He went in and locked the door behind him. 

"Follow me," he said, starting down the hallway. A little ways down, he realized he couldn't hear her behind him. "I said, follow--"

He whirled around to her trembling body dragging its feet across the floor. She was hunched over, clutching her stomach like she was going to be sick, but her hair spilled over her face. "Jungkook, I don't feel--" She stopped, out of breath and perhaps dizzy. "My stomach hurts a lot. Is this all my blood?"

It's worse than I thought. Her conciousness was definitely being thrown out of whack. He suddenly swallowed, regretting his stomp on her stomach earlier.

He couldn't have her bleeding all over the house or fainting. "Just sit. I'll get Monster." Prick immediately obliged and slid down the wall to the floor, panting and holding her wound.

Jungkook stormed through the house, calling for Monster. It would all be worth it once he saw the blue card. It was from Bearclove, it had to be. Bangtan rarely associated with them, and although they were civil, there was an unspoken truth that the two families both wanted domination, and working together to achieve it wasn't an option.


Jimin exited his room as Jungkook walked past it. "What do you need him for?"

"No time," Jungkook answered erratically. "I'll tell you soon, I promise."

"He's in the office."

Jungkook busted in, and Monster turned immediately in his chair. "What the hell are you--"

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