Chapter 36

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Eve and I were sitting on a bench, with a field of grass right infront of us. Mr. Philip, the boys, kids, and Melia were all enjoying themselves at the bottom of the hill. I turned my head towards Evelyn as a lock of hair fell down infront of her face. Slowly I reached for her face and tucked her hair behind her ear again. "You're beautiful," I told her as I watched her cheeks tint with red and her lips curve into a smile, "and if anyone says you're not, know that they're damn well wrong." We were looking at each other and all I wanted was to tell her I loved her, to kiss her, or just express to her in some way. "I don't deserve you John" she told me laying her head on my shoulder.
We sat there for awhile, in comfortable silence, with just the two of us. That was until our time had ran short and the sun had just set. Melia and George took the curticy of carrying Tim and Lily as we walked down the sidewalk to the hotel. Evelyn and I were behind everyone, George and Melia were infront of us, and Paul Mr. Philip and Ringo were in the front. The streets were dark with the exception of the lamp posts and the headlights of cars passing by. "I had fun today" Eve told to everyone, and everyone else replied with an I did too. Ahead of us was a cross walk we had to walk across. We walked one person infront each other, in tune with each other's pace. Out the corner of my eye I saw the light of dim head lights. I looked up just in time to see Mr. Philip on top of the hood of a moving car. The scene was all too familiar. I grabbed Evelyn and held onto her tight, as if she would dissaper right before me. Everyone gathered around him as the driver ran out of the car. "I am so so so sorry!" He said to us. I had no control of myself at that point, I was taken over by pure emotion. I felt the hard impact my fist had against his nose. Then my other fist against his jaw but then I felt a pare of cold hands on my arm. They were Evelyns hands that were slowly prying me off the man. "John,stop! We need to get an ambulance! Not beat each other up!" Soon I was standing up, staring at the man I beat all my emotion into. But an "I'm sorry" wouldn't fix it, it would patch it like a bandaid to a bullet. nothing could fix the bleeding, the brusing, and pain I had caused him. Now he would have to go to the hospital too. I backed away and ran. Ran for as long as my heart disired and my body could withstand. Trying to run away from my deepest emotions, but how can you run away from what's in your head?

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