Chapter 12

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"Evie, evie, time to wake up" I rolled over and saw john hovering over me with a hand on his eye. "Ok, why do you have your hand on your eye?" I said sitting up. "You hit me when I was trying to wake you up, I'm fine" "I'm so sorry john." he nodded "you surprised me, I'm going to get ready in the bathroom." I nodded and hoped out of bed to the dresser. I layed out my outfit for the day on the bed. Then went over to the door to make sure it was locked. When I was dressed I joined John in the bathroom to finish up getting ready for the morning. "Hey, room for one more?" I asked in the doorway of the bathroom. He turned around then went back to combing his hair, "come on in" he handed me my new hairbrush and I took it from him and started brushing my thick brown hair. When I was done I went back to the room to change then walked out to the front door to grab my shoes. I heard John's shoes against the stairs. "Just gotta get my shoes on then we can go" "Ok" I stood up, went to the coat rack and got my coat. "I'm Ready John!" I shouted throughout the house. I saw johns head peep out from behind a wall. "Just let me get me keys!" He said turning back to grab the car keys off of the table. "Alright let's go" he said when he came back from the kitchen. I walked out onto the porch and waited for John as he locked the house. He locked it and we continued to walk to the car.


In the car I look out the window from the backseat. "Now why did you want to sit back there again?"
I turned my head to John, "I just felt like it, sometimes I like to sit in the back. It sort of makes me feel like a kid." He nodded, "so not to just drop this on you but how long do you think your going to stay? When you going to look for your fathers house?" I looked back out the window. I really didn't want to answer but I did anyway, "Um.. I'm not sure.." He nodded and it went silent again. I sighed and gased out the window. I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round.


John parked beside the door to the studio and I hoped out the door while John got his guitar. The world is so complicated, why did I get sent here? I dont belong here, I'm not part of John or the Beatles history. There is no mention about a girl named Evelyn that mysteriously showed up on John Lennons property and ended up living at his house. What was the reason I was sent here? "You ok Evelyn?" I snapped out of my deep thoughts and turned my head to John. "Ya ya I'm fine, just alot on my mind" I said with a smile. "You know that you can talk to me right?" I nodded and smiled, "let's go in I can't wait to meet your band mates" he nodded and started walking by my side with his guitar in hand. We walked in and it smelled of cigarette smoke and cleaning spray, but I didn't mind. We walked down a hallway and went in a room to the left to find a Ringo in a chair looking around the room. We walked in and we sat down in our own chairs. "Hey Eve! How you doing today?" Ringo said looking in my direction. "Just fine Ringo, how about you?" "I'm doing good, what about you John?" John looked up from the guitar he was tuning, "hmm? Oh I'm doing good, are the boys here yet?" Ringo shook his head, "not yet, they'll be here soon. So Eve tell me more about yourself." He said looking at me with a warm smile. "What's there to tell? I'm just a silly American girl." I said looking down at my pants, "a American? what you doing here?" Twirling the loose thread on my pants I said, "I'm visiting my father, but I got kind of lost. Then John found me and let me stay at his house intell I could find my father's." I looked over at John with a smile, "Well I'm glade your here and not on the streets. It's very nice here, I think you'll like it." He told me with a smile. I smiled back, "damit!" John shouted in the chair beside me. I looked over his shoulder and saw the string was broke. I just sat in my chair, I really didnt want to get in the way of him because his temper was well known, the famous Lennon temper.

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