Chapter 28

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As I poured syrup on my stack of pancakes John was across from me already digging into his plate. The smell of fresh Apple pie was starting to get to me, it sounded so good at the moment. Maybe we can take some back for the rest of the boys to eat on the long flight to Canada. "John ya know that Apple pie there making back there?" I asked him as he shook his head with a mouth full of eggs as a response. "I think we should bring the boys and our selves some for the long flight wer going on this evening." He swallowed the huge bite he took and replayed with, "sure I don't see why we shouldn't, I'm actually wanting some now myself" he said with a small smile, "I've been wanting it too, that's what gave me the idea" I said taking a bite of pancakes and looking around the resteront.


Soon we were done and we paid for our meals along with the to go Apple pie for the boys. "So did you have a good day John" I asked him as we were walking down the sidewalk back to the hotel. "Yes I did Evie, probably because I was spending time with you my love" "aaw-" that's when I was cut off by a loud cry. It was amazing because New York is very loud and obnoxious. "Did you hear that John?" I asked looking around for the source of the noise. "No I didn't, what does it sound like?" That's when there was two of the same kind of sound. It sounded like a crying baby but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. "It sounds like crying babies, I can't tell were the sounds coming from though." I looked around all I saw was cars, either parked alongside the road or driving in it. John started looking with me and found a locked car with baby twins inside. I could tell it outraged him by the look on his face. "Who would do such a thing?" John said with a clinched jaw. I just stood there until I saw his elbow fly into the car window and shatter the glass. He reached his hand through the empty window and unlocked it. "John... What are you doing with them?" He opened the door up and unbuckled the young boy and girl from the car seats. "I'm saving them" It made since that it angered him, too see someone not care or abandon a child. They looked to be about a year old and had red hair along with deep blue eyes.

"What are we going to do with them?" He picked the girl up slowly and handed her to me right before he did the same with the boy

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"What are we going to do with them?" He picked the girl up slowly and handed her to me right before he did the same with the boy. "For now we're going to take them back to the hotel" he said to me shutting the car door with one hand as asked me if that was ok with me. "Ya but shouldn't we bring the car seats with us?" He looked to the car and nodded his head. "Ya that would be a good idea." So we put them in their car seats and started back to the hotel. I cant believe we just stole a pair of twins from a car by breaking a car window in New York.


We walked into my hotel room and settled them down on my bed. John and I just sat down in the chairs that we pulled up beside them. "So are we going to name them?" John asked. "I guess so, what about Lily and Henry" I said just naming a few names that came to mind. Lily would be a good name for our little girl. "I'm not so sure about Henry, maybe Maxwell? I dont know." He said leaning back in the chair and closing his eyes. For a minute I just sat there and pointed out my finger for the little one to hold. Until a name that I thought was fitting pasted through my mind. "I like that name Timothy. What about that?" I questioned John gazing at the little red headed angels laying on the bed. "I think it fits him." I scooped up the little boy, who we will now call Timothy, and started blowing on his little belly. It was the cutest sight I ever saw. His little cheeks would round as his smile grew on his tiny face, and his little giggle don't even get me started. I could barely even stop myself from giggling along with the little squirt. "How are we going to tell the others?" I asked John as I cradled little Tim in my arms. His face fell from the smile Tim and I had caused him to this "oh fuck" look. He picked up the flower Lily and whispered to her, "let's just hope your cuteness wins them over" And after a few minutes of cradling we put them back in their car seats and grabed our luggage to meet up with the boys down at the lobby so we could go to the airport.

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