A Gift This Valentine's

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Valentine's Day, where love is in the air. In Japan, girls give chocolates to boys, whether it is bought or homemade, a chocolate meant for the one you love or obligatory, everyone looks forward to this day.

But five girls are in a very awkward situation.

"Okay, I'll give Fuu-kun chocolates tomorrow and none of you can stop me!!!!" Declared one Nino Nakano. They are in their apartment, discussing an important matter. Who will give Fuutarou Uesugi chocolates?

"Nino stop! I'll give Fuutarou-kun chocolates. I'll buy the best one for him, just to show how much I love him." Said one Ichika Nakano. She glared at Nino, which glared her back, and the two had a staredown.

"Hey, let's just all give Uesugi-kun each? I mean, no one could stop each other anyway." Suggested one Itsuki Nakano. If you ask her, she liked other countries traditions more, as in other countries, boys are the ones who'll give chocolates to girls. Some boys will made an effort to impress a girl, just for them to get rejected 'cause that's reality.

"Ehhh?? Why not all of us give Uesugi-san just one chocolate??? It'll be fun if all of us will give him just one, since we're quintuplets!!!!" Chimed one Yotsuba Nakano. She's just a cinnamon roll, don't hurt her. She just wants all of them to give Fuutarou a chocolate.

"It won't work. Just look at the two of them. They'll compete on who has the best chocolate anyways." Said one Miku Nakano. She could see Yotsuba's plan to backfire, not because Itsuki or herself will oppose to this, but Ichika and Nino will not gonna like this prospect.

"YEAH YOTSUBA!!! THAT WON'T WORK!!!!" Ichika and Nino shouted in unison. It startled Yotsuba and soon after, Nino chased Yotsuba. But Nino failed because she doesn't have the stamina to keep up with her.

"Geez, I hope Uesugi-kun will like our chocolates." Itsuki said, as she feared that Valentine's Day won't be too peaceful.

"I agree." Miku nodded.

"HELP ME!!!" Yotsuba shouted, as Nino's still chasing her, albeit she took breaks when she got tired. But Ichika then joined the chase, so the three of them are like running like cats and mice.

For the five sisters, tomorrow will be a war, a sister's war. But before that war could even started, someone called them and gave them a proposal that they couldn't reject.


Today is Valentine's Day, but one Fuuarou Uesugi didn't know or care about it. All he cares about is studying, nothing more, nothing less. Well for one, no school for today as most of the staffs went on a vacation and will return on Monday, and for two, there is something that he needs to do, but he forgot it. Well...

"Nii-chan, where's my chocolate?" Shoot, it was his little sister, Raiha Uesugi. For Fuutarou, every February 14, it is the day where Raiha becomes a spoiled brat. She deserves to be spoiled as she's the one who cooks their meals, do the laundry, and just maintain being an adorable little sister.

"I'll buy you one. Please wait for it." He replied. Even if he didn't give a jack shit about Valentine's, he'll buy the best chocolate for his dear sister.

"Okay~" She replied.

'It looks like she's in a good.' Fuutarou thought. Normally, she will throw a tantrum if there are no chocolates visible. But today, she didn't. 'Well, better buy her one before she actually starts to throw a tantrum.' He soon left their apartment, but at the front door, he saw 5 letters.

'Those sisters.' He thought, as he opened the 1st letter. He knew it was the Nakano quintuplets who wrote this. 'This is Ichika.'


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