A New Life Without You

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At the Nakano residence, one girl was in deep trouble.

"AHHHH!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO???" The girl shouted while running in circles in the living room. It was none other than Yotsuba Nakano, one of the five Quintuplets.

How is she in trouble? Well, Fuutarou Uesugi will get married, and the wedding day is today, and the sisters agreed to support him in his decision. Although it was painful for them to see him with another woman, it was with his childhood friend anyway. So, that at least ease them up a bit.

"Geez Yotsuba, why are you panicking 8:00am in the morning?" Her sister Miku Nakano said while yawning. She woke up by Yotsuba's constant panicking. After graduation, they all decided to live together. They're sisters afterall.

"BECAUSE I HAVEN'T BUY ANYTHING FOR UESUGI-SAN YET!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BUY FOR HIM!!!!" Yotsuba shouted. Miku just facepalmed, as she couldn't believe that Yotsuba forgot something that important.

"Yotsuba, you're lucky that Ichika is on set for her new movie, Nino is at the shop baking the cake for Fuutarou's wedding, and Itsuki is at school. They might get mad at you for this. And the wedding is today." Miku stated. It was true because after they found out that Yotsuba is the girl Fuutarou met 15 years ago, they supported her love for Fuutarou until the very end.

Yotsuba just bowed her head and shouted "I'm sorry!!" multuple times. She knows this is her mistake, so she needs to make up for it.

"I'll buy him a give right now!!! Bye Miku!!!" Yotsuba shouted, then left the apartment. Miku just smiled at this.

"Hurry up and best of luck Yotsuba." She said before going to the kitchen to make some breakfast.


Meanwhile, Yotsuba is at the mall, searching shop after shop for a perfect gift that resembles her.

"What should I give to Uesugi-san?" Yotsuba wondered. Her sisters had already brought a gift for him, and some made extra effort for him as well like Ichika having her make-up artist to help for the make-up, Nino baking the cake for his wedding, and Itsuki volunteered to be the planner of the wedding.

For the gifts, Ichika bought a Rolex Yatch-Master 42, a watch that symbolizes that their time together was precious for her. Nino bought an Indian FTR 1200, a motorcycle that symbolizes how he saved her like a princess one time, and also their time together at the shop. Miku bought a replica of a Kanezumi Katana, symbolizes how her love for him will last more than a lifetime. And Itsuki bought two books, and those are Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant and The idea of history by R.G. Collingwood, and it symbolizes how much she had learn from him and taught her that life can change if you met someone that can value you and accept you for who you are, and what you aspire. Yotsuba understood why her sisters bought those items, and that is they wanted him to remember them, even they won't see each other a lot, at least there are items that can remind him of them.

'He's not the type of guy who goes outside too often, and not the type of guy who will put the effort to workout. But it's hard to think of something that can make him remember me.' Yotsuba thought. She's in a pinch as she couldn't think of a proper present for Fuutarou.

After the School Festival, the Nakano's didn't take the news of Fuutarou confessing to his long-time classmate Takebayashi positively. All of them loved him to some degree, and Yotsuba was far more devastated by this. She loved him ever since that one day meeting during the Kyoto trip when they were gradeschoolers. She still loved him up to this day, but she needed to accept the fact that her love will just be an unrequited love. Unlike Nino who confessed to him face to face, Yotsuba hid her feelings for him up to this day, and she regretted it up to this day.

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