I Won't Give Up

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Note : I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! All rights to Konami.


On a rainy Tuesday night, Fuutarou is at the Nakano' apartment. He's staying for the night as luckily, tomorrow's class is suspended, and the sisters agreed that they'll have a lecture session tomorrow.

The six of them are playing Yu-Gi-Oh!, and...

"I WIN!!!!" Nino shouted. She had won the last 3 matches.

"Darn, I was so close. You're lucky my Decode Talker got destroyed two turns ago." Itsuki pouted. She won the first match.

"Ara, you guys are pumped." Ichika said. She won the second match, then Nino won the next three. She was smiling as the six of them are having fun, ignoring Nino and Itsuki's competitiveness.

"I hate this." Fuutarou sighed. He played cards before, but Yu-Gi-Oh! is different.

"Geez Uesugi-san, I said we should team up cause we can't beat Nino!!!" Yotsuba pouted. She was close, if only Nino and Itsuki are so good at the game.

"Guys, can we have a break?" Miku sighed. She placed last in all of their matches.

"Sure, I'll just prepare our snacks. I'm not done yet!!!" Nino stated.

"I'll help you." Ichika said.

As Nino and Ichika prepared their snacks, the rest then have a small chat.

"I'm suprised Uesugi-kun knows how to play this." Itsuki was amazed. She expected for one Fuutarou Uesugi to be bad at this.

"Raiha loves to play this. And thanks to Yotsuba coming to my house to play with us sometimes, I'm still good at it." Fuutarou responded. This was overheard by everybody, and spawned jealousy.

"FUU-KUN, YOU CHEATER!!!!" Nino shouted. She was pissed hearing Yotsuba comes to his house.

"That's unfair Fuutarou-kun." Ichika then gave him a grin.

"Hmp, I wanna play with Raiha too!!!" Itsuki pouted.

"Easy guys, it's my will to come to his house." Yotsuba tried to clear up the tension, but it made it even worst.

"Ohhh, so you're making moves with my Fuu-kun, huh?" Nino then gave a sadistic expression to Yotsuba.

For Miku, she has no clue of what to say. But all she knows is that she needs to gain an advantage.

"GUYS!!! LISTEN UP TO ME!!!" Miku then raised her voice to gain attention.

"What is it Miku?" Itsuki asked Miku.

"The next match, let's raise the stakes!!!!" She declared. This gave the rest a grin.

"Tell us Miku." Ichika wanted to know what will be the stakes.

"Fuutarou, you won't gonna play in this match because you're the reward!!!" As Miku said this, it gave Fuutarou a blank mind. He can't believed he'll be a reward in their match.

The rest then felt they're on cloud nine. Fuutarou as a reward is something.

"Can you elaborate?" Yotsuba asked. She's still confused at the moment.

"The one who wins this match, will have a date with Fuutarou." The rest celebrated with joy, but Fuutarou felt that he's into a big problem.

"Fine with me!! But what happens to the loser?" Nino asked. She's more determined to win this match.

"The four losers will have a long test, made by Fuutarou all day!!! Do you agree with my stipulation?" Miku asked them.

"YES!!!!" The rest said in unison.

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