My Fuutarou

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In a way, Miku Nakano had realized that all things are needed to be earned, and not given. However, she didn't realized that this comes with a price, and that's pain.

She didn't prepared the string of events that lead to her confession, but it felt shallow. Sure she loves Fuutarou Uesugi, but it needed for her four sisters, Ichika, Nino, Yotsuba and Itsuki, to help her out, and it felt she was given the chance, not earned.

After the events of their trip, all of her sisters had changed.

Ichika felt so distant, Nino became more determined, Itsuki had grabbed the role of a mother, and Yotsuba, she felt Yotsuba is not her sister. She couldn't explain, but ever since they came back, she was acting like Ichika. Wearing a mask to hide her true emotions, and Miku had noticed it.

They're at their old apartment, as they bid a farewell to to the apartment that they rented, where they stayed after they left the former because of their disputes with their father.

Today, Fuutarou and Miku are at the living room. Her sisters are gone, for personal reasons.

"Fuutarou, is something wrong?" Miku asked, the past few days were eventful for the both of them.

"So-so, Ichika might not go to College and pursue acting, you and Nino might go to culinary school, Itsuki is keen at the idea of being a teacher, but Yotsuba, I don't know what she's planning to do." Fuutarou scratched his head in frustration. He is their tutor, but he has no clue on what his students wanted to be.

"Nino might go wherever you go though." Miku replied. She knew Nino is love struck over him. Nino always cursed whenever she can't see her 'Fuu-kun' for a day, even if she thought of the nickname.

"Miku, I'm suprised you wanted to go to a culinary school. I'm proud of you." Fuutarou said blantly, it made her blush.

Miku, since their fated encounter, loved Fuutarou with all her heart. But the recent events lead her to be adamant in her emotions.

"I'm glad that you came back here. I don't want you guys to experience the hardships of being poor for a long periods of time. I know you guys had been there before, but still..." Fuutarou then let out a sigh. He became attatched to the Nakano sisters, to the point where he is changing.

"Still?" She wondered. She blushed when he was worried. Sure, they were not rich before, but when they abandoned their apartment that their father had rented for them, they had experience the struggles to maintain a healthy living.

They lived on a life without any worries, other than having good grades. So this was new to them.

"I want you guys to have a brighter future, even if it means that I'll be with you until you guys can reach your goals. Truth to be told, I'm attatched to you guys. This is my own will." Fuutarou then shed a tear, he finally realized his promise to that girl, being that he wants to be someone people could rely on. And now, he's fulfilling it by helping the Nakano's find their dreams.

Miku hugged him, as she saw he then cried.

"Thank you Fuutarou." Miku said. Her heart is racing as she's in contact with him. She couldn't stop the urges.

She had already confessed to him, albeit with the help of her sisters. So this time, she wanted to say it loud and clear.

"I love you." She then kissed him on the lips.

This suprised Fuutarou.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" He was shocked. He knew Yotsuba and Ichika kissed him on the cheeks, and one of them kissed him on the lips, and she and Nino confessed to him, he was caught off-guard on this one.

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