16.| Old & New Enemies

Start from the beginning

"Nah, you deserve the pain we all got because of you. DeVito's princess!"

"Awe poor Princy, couldn't man up. At least you've just earned yourself a death wish, Warthog.", Natalia mocks annoyed, attempting to ignore him and returning her gaze back to the window.  

"Not if you die first, Spoiled Brat!", Adam continues, obviously enjoying the game.

"I don't die. Unlike idiots like you, Sewer Breath!", Natalia snaps back.




"Enough!", the girl yells as she swerves past two trees.

"Shut up!", Adam and Natalia yell in unison.

"No you shut up! You two lovebirds have obviously had a long history of a love-hate relationship that seriously needs to be fixed! Go get a room for pete's sake!", she yells back.

"Excuse you...what? Love-birds? Pft, you guys are more stupid than I thought.", Natalia laughs to herself as she leans back in the chair, shaking her head while backing up into the chair.

"Oh yea? How so Miss Know-It-All?", Adam asks with a cocky grin.

"Well, first...catching me. Second, staying in a group. Third, aiming an unloaded pistol at me. Fourth, living in a forest off of some random highway...Should I go on?", Natalia asks sarcastically. 

Adam quickly pops out the magazine only to find it full.

"Just checking to make sure you didn't lose your hearing and vision", Natalia states looking over at him with a smirk.

"You're the idiot who decided to come into our forest all alone.", Adam counters.

"I wasn't alone."

"So now you work with other people for a change?"

"Nope.", Natalia lies.

"Still the little lonely deer stuck in headlights?", Adam mocks.

"Nope.", Natalia lies again, glaring at Adam in annoyance.

"Well, you're obviously lying about one of them.", Adam snorts, leaning back into his seat; ending the conversation.

"I can't believe we actually caught the Natalia! I thought you would've been long dead by now-", the redheaded boy begins.

"And I thought you would've lost your tongue by now.", Natalia snaps back.

"Well, someone's pissed.", Adam judges, earning an annoyed glare from Natalia.


Keith falls against the cold pavement with the back of his head hitting the ground first. As he hit the ground, he rolled to his left; and just in time, allowing the cement to receive the hard punch. Keith jumps to his feet kicking his opponent in the ribs. It wasn't until Keith had the towheaded boy pinned to the ground with pistol to head that he gave up.

"Are you planning on letting me shoot Petrova?", Keith says as he tries to ignore the trickle of blood he felt oozing its way down the back of his shirt from his head.

"You wouldn't shoot Natalia's only sibling.", Alek protests.

"Actually...I would", Keith responds after he cocks the pistol.

"Okay! Okay! I give in! What do you want?!", Alek surrenders quickly lifting his hands up in defeat.

"Leave Nat and I alone.", Keith replies.

"That's it?!", Alek says wide eyed, "You almost killed me just to get that point across?"

"Actually you started it.", Keith states, standing up, "You were the one running towards me with a knife."

"Hold up", Alek pauses after he stands up, "You two are romantically involved, aren't you?"

"Where's Jasper and Felix?", Keith asks avoiding Alek's question.

"So you guys are. Should've guessed.", Alek concludes.

"I never said we were.", Keith counters, looking over his shoulder and giving Alek an annoyed glare, "Where are Jasper and Felix?"

"You didn't have to say it. Just a heads up, I don't agree with you two being together. You seem like a player who can easily find anyone's weaknesses, so I advise you...any sort of 'connection' you feel with my sister; break it off."

Keith stops, turns around, and looks up from his phone.

"You look like a five star player yourself, so I'd say we're pretty equal. Now answer my question before I regret letting you live", Keith snaps back, changing his view on Alek.

"So you've threatened to kill her too?", Alek says with a smirk, pushing Keith's buttons.

"Not the type of threatening I'm doing to you.", Keith warns Alek as his mind races to his recent incident where he almost shot Natalia; no thanks to the dangerous phase his past engulfed him into.

"Let me guess she's like your few-week-night-stand or-", Alek presses stubbornly before Keith decided he had enough.

Within a blink of an eye Keith had already stormed up to Alek, and given him a hard punch, towering over him with pistol aimed to head.

"Now you're going to tell me where Jasper and Felix are and drop the subject about my relationship to Nat. We're not in any sort of romantic relationship, we're just co-workers, understood?!"

"Well, if Nat agrees then I understand."

"Good. Jasper and Felix?"
"Already on their way towards Nat's location.", Alek states, rubbing the back of his head as he stands once again in defeat.

Keith frowns in confusion while he puts his pistol back in its case hanging off the right side of his belt before finally coming down to the obvious reason of how they were able to track down Natalia.

"Her tracker.", he says in realization, running towards the shortened cement wall separating the parking garage from the rubble underneath it.

Keith had finally hopped into his Corvette  Stingray when the door to the passenger side opens and Alek hops in.

"Oh no, no, no, no! You are not getting a free ride-", Keith begins before getting cut off by Alek who throws a black bag at Keith.

Keith unzips it cautiously only to find stacks of one-hundred dollar bills.

"Take it or leave it. I want to reunite my family so I ain't giving up Natalia.", Alek reasons.

Keith sighs, zips the bag up, and throws it in the back seats before zooming off the alley.

"Pull up her location on the tracker.", Keith orders Alek after throwing a small phone his direction.

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