sweven (3.)

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(n.) a vision seen in sleep; a dream


After training I went home, I really wanted to stay and watch the fights but I knew that if I didn't come home in time, I'd be beaten to pulp. I was hoping Hunter didn't recognize me as Ava from school.

I had done a great job at keeping those two lives apart and I want them to stay that way, apart.

When I got home I made dinner for me and my Dad and we ate in silence. When we were done Dad got up and left the house, probably going to a bar, and I stayed and cleaned the dishes. When I was done with that I went to my room to do some homework. Yes, homework on the first day back. Pure torture. But it has to be done nonetheless.

I finish my work and change into my pj's. As I lay in bed I think the day over. But mostly I think about Hunter Black. I bump into him and than he starts showing up everywhere. At the parking lot, in the Arena. I hope he didn't recognize me, because if that'll happen I'm screwed. For real.

I look at my alarm clock and see it's 2 am, meaning I need to go to sleep or I will be a walking zombie tomorrow. I turn around, closing my eyes and sliding in my dreamworld.

I wake up beading in sweat. I sit up straight and take deep breaths. I had gone so long without the nightmares, why did they come back now? I look at my alarm clock and see it's 6 am. No point in getting back to sleep here.

I get up, grab a dark blue oversized hoodie, clean underwear, a tank top and some jeans. After my shower I get dressed and get my bag from my room. I walk downstairs, praying not to make a sound, and make myself some cereal.
I also make some toast for Dad. I eat my cereal and as I open my mouth I can feel my lip open up again. I wince and lift my hand to touch my lip. I look at my finger and see blood. I sigh and wash the blood away.

Suddenly I think about school and I look at the time seeing I have exactly 20 minutes to walk to school. I quickly throw on my shoes and head outside.

As I walk to the parking lot, noticing I was way too late, I hear the sound of motorcycles coming. I quicken my pace and continue my walk to my first period; math.

I hurry to the door and hear Hunter behind me: "First time being late nerd?"

"None of your business." I mumble back, hoping my hood hides my busted lip well enough for them to not notice it. I hear Jason snicker behind him as he and Elijah walk towards us. Guess they are in this class too. I open the door and step inside, the three boys behind me.

Mrs. Rose slowly turns around and asks what our reason is for being late. I shrug my shoulders and the boys stay silent.

"Okay, just for this time, I'm letting it slip. But next time it's detention for all of you. Now, take a seat so we can continue the lesson." 

I look around, searching for an open spot and I see four of them. Sadly for me, all off them are next to each other.

I take a seat in the back corner of the classroom. As I sit down I feel a presence besides me.

"Go find your own table." I say at him, grumpily.

"It's the only open spot sweetheart."  he says and sadly I know he's right, Jason and Elijah are sitting in front of me and all the other seats are occupied too.

"Is there a problem Mr Black and Ms García?" Mrs Rose asks us as Hunter sits down.

"No Mrs, not at all." he says with a wide grin. I roll my eyes at him and start to get my stuff out of my school bag. The rest of the lesson I feel Hunters eyes on me. Stupid annoying asshole.


I park my motorcycle in the parking lot and watch as the boys do the same. We start to walk to our first lesson, math. We know we're late but we don't give a single fuck. We have a reputation to uphold. As we walk I notice a small person walking in front us. I recognized her as that Ava girl.

When we're in front of the classroom I ask her "First time being late nerd?"

"None of your business." I hear her mumble in return.

I notice that she is trying to hide a busted lip by putting the hood of her hoodie farther over her head. But I notice it anyway. How did she get it, I wonder. I shake my head, trying to lose my thoughts, and hear Mrs Something say:"-can continue the lesson."

I assume she said we can take a seat 'cause I see Jason and Elijah already took one and the only one left is the one next to her. I pay no attention to the lesson as I only have eyes for her. I'm trying to read her expression but she has this cold, stone-hard look on her face that make it hard to read her.

She is very good at hiding her emotions.


At lunch I sit down at my table in the back of the cafeteria. I rearrange my hood, hoping no one noticed my busted lip. I take out my books and my headphones and start making some homework. I almost never eat at school because I have bills to pay and I'd rather have a place to live then food. I grab my phone and select a playlist on it.

As I start making my homework I wonder when my next fight will be.

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