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Third Person POV

Tzuyu was driving his car with Sana, he's taking her home today. Sana was a big affect on him and he doesn't want to lose her.

He'll kill again somebody when she lose the one who changed a monster like him.

"tzu"Sana called, their hands are intertwined while tzuyu is driving.

"yes babygirl?"tzuyu asked, Sana just shook her head causing tzuyu to raised his brow.

The traffic light turned red so Tzuyu stopped the car, he stared at Sana and held her hand tightly.

Sana was so beautiful while staring at the window beside her, Tzuyu smiled and kissed the top of Sana's hand, causing Sana to look at her with a blush.

Tzuyu chuckled, "you're so beautiful".

Sana's face was like a tomato as she look down, the light turned green so Tzuyu continued driving till they reached Sana's house.

They went out on the car.

Tzuyu was holding Sana's hand, Sana faced her and tiptoed to kiss Tzuyu on the cheeks with a smile.

"thankyou for the ride"She said, Tzuyu smiled.

"anything for you"Tzuyu said and suddenly hugged Sana tightly.

Sana was shocked but she hugged him back, "please don't ever leave me too".

Sana pulled away and stared at him in the eyes, Tzuyu's face becomes gloomy and Sana suddenly remembered his nightmare.

Sana sighed and cupped Tzuyu's cheeks, She smiled causing Tzuyu's heart to beat fast.

"i won't leave you, i promise"Sana said causing Tzuyu to smile like a fool, He kissed Sana's lips softly.

They pulled away with a smile.

"goodnight babygirl"He said, Sana chuckled.

"goodnight Daddy~" She almost moaned causing Tzuyu's eyes to widened.

"what the fuck baby?!"Tzu exclaimed.

"bye daddy, ah~"Sana said and squeezed her mounds lightly, Tzuyu can feel his pants tightened, his buddy inside his pants is finding his way to get out.

Sana went inside the door, She winked at Tzuyu first before closing the door. Tzuyu sighed deeply and stared at his bulge with disappointment.

"the hell Sana, you just made me hard"he said and went inside the car and went straight to his company.

Meanwhile on Sana's house....

"you fucker, we saw how you teased Chou Tzuyu!!"Momo said while laughing hard with Mina.

"that's so cringe unnie"Mina said while wiping her tears, Sana showed them a bitch face.

"we even saw how you enjoyed the kiss HAHAHAHAHA"Momo said and rolled on the ground.

"guys, stop my body hurts okay?"Sana said, Momo and Mina looked at each other with a smirk plastered on their lips.

"hmm i smell something fishy"Mina said, Momo nodded while looking at Sana.

"what?"Sana asked, "you fucked?"Momo asked.

Sana widened her eyes and her face went super red like a tomato, Momo laughed again with Mina.

"okay okay"Momo said and went inside her room, The two can hear that she's still laughing.

"pregnant woman are crazy indeed Sana unnie"Mina said, Sana shrugged her shoulders and chuckled.

"goodnight unnie"Mina said, Sana smiled and they both went inside their own rooms, Sana crashed herself on her bed.

Sana was about to close her eyes and sleep but her phone beeped.

From Tzu;

"goodnight babygirl, takecare"

Sana smiled at the message.

To Tzu;

"thanks tzu, you too!"

She put down her phone and sleep.

Little did she know, Tzuyu was smiling foolishly on the other side.

"i think i love you, Sana".

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