Episode 10: Wrath

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  "Oh... What do we have here?" I knew where the voice came from, but I didn't bother to move. "A beautiful, sexy devil girl has come to play with me!" Silence is all I'm giving him, as I stare down at the blood puddle surrounding my feet. "What... Aren't you gunna say somthin?" I'm not as naive to believe that there aren't bad people in the world. No I learned that when my parents were killed.

  Back then I've never thought that I'd have to leave Kyoto behind. Leave my life behind, and everything I cared about. Maybe I just realised this now, but... I'm angry.

  Angry at the men who chased me, at the being behind the curtain. I'm angry at me, for being me. Those men wanted power, my power, and killed because of who I am. It's been awhile since then, so seeing this now dead body lying in a chair. Blood still flowing down like a stream.

  The blatant disregard for life angers me, and I'm loosing control by the second. I finally turned to face him, his creepy smile lowering the timer on the bomb. I look into his eyes and ask him, "Why?"

  "Hm? Now your pretty mouth moves, and such a lovely voice by the way!" tick.

  "Answer the question..." tick.

  "You want to know why I killed this poor sap? Well it's quite simple really...he forfeited his life when he decided to associate when devil's."

  "So it's my fault he's dead now...he died because of who I am. Because of what I am." Tick, tick, tick, tick. I was silent while he spoke again.

  "Associating with a devil is a sin, so he had to die! Though I must admit...he chose a damn sexy one at that!" He looked at me up and down. Then stared at my breast, looking like he wanted grab them.

  "AHHHH!" A scream came from the hallway, and oddly the voice sounded so familiar to me. I turned my head to look, "Asia!" She looked at me, then back at the body. Falling to her knees in pure shock.

  "Y/n! What are you doing here!?" I tried to speak, but was interrupted.

  "Damn it, Asia! Didn't I tell you to put up a barrier! What the hell are you doing in here!?" He yelled at her like she was some hopeless child. See that only angered me more. Tick, tick, tick.

  "Matter of fact how do you know this devil!? Maybe I should kill you too you little bitch!" He grabbed her hair, pulled her up and pinned her to the wall. "I enjoyed killing that sinner of there! Mmmm! The screams were to die for..."

  Snap! "Then I'll kill you..." Everything in me left, except for one thing. Wrath. It wasn't blind wrath, no... The only thing left inside me had a purpose. It was to kill this man.

Asia's POV

  Once those words came from her mouth, I couldn't believe what I just heard. The same girl that played with the little boy that scraped his knee. The girl who shyly twiddled her fingers around when she tried to talk to strangers. After departing from her that day, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I always wondered what she was doing in her day to day. Figured that she was most likely sleeping around town in her cat form.

  To find her here... To learn that she's a devil, to say the least surprised me. Though that didn't change the fact that I still cared deeply for her. The way she is now, it's changing her.

  She revealed her ears, and her ten tails. Her beauty was undescribable, yet still I was scared. Her hair, ears, and tails turned jet black. Her peircing (E/c) eyes turned red. And in one second freed was grabbed, then slammed into the apartment wall. The force was strong enough to shatter the wall. Allowing the cold night air to invade my space.

  Y/n kept punching Freed, one punch after the other. Each one causing small tremors, she was beating him to death. She stood up...Freed was uncouncious, but not dead. She dawned what seemed like to be purplish black armor. A melodic voice came from thin air.

[??: Odin's Reign]

  A large blue colored lighting bolt appeared in Y/n's hand. She looked like a goddess, preparing to smite the wicked. I knew this was his end, and he honestly deserved it, but I didn't want blood on Y/n's hands.

  In mid swing of her arm, a crimson light appeared. Then a voice came after.

  "Y/n don't!!" She rushed towards Y/n's side and hugged her close. Her crimson hair reaching all the way down her back. Then came a cute and petite girl with white hair and yellow eyes. She had little black cat clips in her. To which I admit made her even more adorable.

  Her eyes glanced over to the body in the chair. "Gross..." Though in a monotone voice, I could tell she had a dislike of a needless murder. She walked my way and picked me up. "What are you doing!?" I said surprised.

  "We're taking you with us, don't worry we won't hurt Ya'" I wasn't going to fight it, I'd do anything to be with Y/n.

  Cry's were heard, Y/n was on her knees. Tears falling for the lost life. It broke my heart when Y/n uttered these words.

  "Another person died, because of who I am!"


A/n: You guys know what to do. If you liked Part 3 of "Ugh! Priest!" Give this chapter a vote, leave a comment, and be sure to follow me! Like I've said before, I love that you guys and gals are reading my story I appreciate it so much!

PS: if you want to chat about the story with me go ahead hit me up! Let's talk!




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