Episode 8: Ugh! Priest!

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It took us a while to find the local church, and everyone we met was kind enough to point us in the right direction. When we got near the building it gave me this horrible feeling. It felt like if I stepped in there, I would be targeted again by some unsavory people. And to be honest, I really don't wanna go through that again. I looked at Asia's face just gushing as the disbelief of how beautiful this girl is, and how bad I still wanted to stay and talk with her.

"Well I guess this is your stop..." I magically popped my ears into existence, then flattened them. Showing her how sad I felt.

"Oh, no! Don't be sad I'm sure we'll meet again another time. In fact I'm sure that we will." She gave me a lovely smile then walked away.

I stood for a moment and watched her walk into the church. As she disappeared from sight I surveyed the church and thought.

"This church is really creepy..."

I got back to the ORC club room, and saw Rias just sitting there in her chair. The look she gave me when she saw me, was that of worry wort. She quickly got up from her desk and made her way over to me. Staring me down in the process of her quick stride. She held me tightly then spoke.

"Y/n, where have you been! We were all worried about you!" She pulled herself away from the hug to look me in the eyes.

"S-Sorry Rias... I thought that after the fight with the stray devil went South. Y-You wouldn't want anything to do with me."
  Tears start to well up, I look down to hide my face from hers.

"Y/n, that fight didn't go south, the stray is dead the job was finnished. And of course you kinda did go over the top, but that doesn't mean that I don't want you anymore. I love you, and you'll always be part of the Gremory family."
  I wipe the tears from my face, giving her wide birth of a smile.

"So what did you actually do today?"

"Well... I met a pretty nun!" I give a simple yet enthusiastic answer to her question.

"Oh really? How pretty?"

"Super pretty, and she had a Sacred Gear too!"

"She what! Explain!" She yelled practically near my ears. It felt like they were going to burst from how loud she shouted.

"Well she had a Sacred Gear that can heal wounds. I saw do it when a little boy tripped and fell."

"Where is this nun now?"

"she's in a creepy old church that I walked her to. But don't worry I didn't go in, as soon as I saw the place it gave off a serious red flag."
  Rias looked at me then smiled at the right decision that I clearly made.

"Good, I don't want you going anywhere near that place again. Don't go looking for that girl either!"

"But!" I pleaded.

"No buts! I want you safe, I don't want anything happening to my favorite servent."
  She lifts my chin up, and kisses me on the nose. My knees weekend from the touch of her lips. I'm pretty sure my face was just about red right now. Redder than her hair no doubt.

"What is she doing to me!"


A/n: Yo! If you enjoyed reading Part 1 of "Ugh! Priest!" then go ahead and vote and comment below!, You can follow me too! I won't bite! To my readers who keep showing back up I appreciate you guys a lot. I promise that'll I'll try to drop a chapter for "Queen" on Mondays, Weds, and Fridays! To my new readers "New Blood" is finally finished go check that out. "Silent Hope" chapters will drop Sundays, and Thursdays. 


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