Episode 9: Damn Priest!

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Third Person

   It's a little bit after school, and the members of the ORC Club are gathering for a meeting. Intended on discussing about everyones success with their monthly contracts. Rias stood in front of her desk, smiling down at all her servents. Akeno stood beside her while lustfully staring at Y/n. Who is laying her head down on Koneko's lap. Sharing, her chocolates with Y/n before the meeting starts. Kiba and Issei sat on the couch opposite them; Kiba showing off a face of content, and Issei really trying his best to hold off the urge to take mental nude pics of the ladies around him.

  "Now that everyone is here lets get started with the meeting. But before that, how was everyone's day today?" Rias looked at her servents for their responses. All of them agreeing that today was an average day. Well all of them except Y/n.

  "W-Well I-I got my first kiss today..." All of the girls forced their attention on Y/n. Trying their hardest not to look utterly jealous. Rias spoke up.

  "Oh? Who?" Was all she said. Y/n's face turned rosey from just remembering how Aika kissed her.

  "Her lips were so soft, and she tasted like mango! Oooooh! I really wanna kiss her again!"

  "if you don't want to tell us you don't have to" she was brought out of her thoughts by Rias' jealous tone.

  "Uh! No, no, it was Aika!"

  "You let that pervert kiss you!" Issei shouted loud enough to surprise everyone in the room.

  "Your last person to be calling someone a pervert." She remarked, then looked at Y/n who had her head down, and was oddly panting heavily.

"She's done more than just kiss me. In girls locker room while we were changing. She took off my bra, pushed me up against the lockers and started massaging my breast. All the girls were watching, I could hear them moaning and playing with themselves."
  All of them were stunned by what she went through.

  "I'm sorry you had to go through that." Rias said seeming solemn.

  "That's just it, Rias. I loved every second of it!" Y/n's pupils turned into hearts. Her breathing heavier than before. And before Rias could say anything, Y/n pounced on Koneko. She started kissing her deeply, while pinning her hands above her head. Y/n moved one hand to Koneko's shirt; she unbuttoned each button one by one, then softly moved her hand across her body. They parted only for a second till Y/n began licking her neck.

  "Kiba, Issei, head on home!" Rias demanded in the middle of Koneko moans of pleasure. Issei tried to object, but was dragged out by his collar.

  "It seems I corrupted sweet, sweet Y/n..." She said looking at Akeno strenuously grabbing the sides of her skirt.

  "Alright that's enough Y/n..." Rias walked behind Y/n, while she was fingering Koneko relentlessly. She tried to grab her, but was stopped when Y/n's lips were on hers. Caught by surprise she fell to the floor with Y/n on top of her.

  Y/n whispered in her ear, now hi off her own lust and love for the girls.
  "Can I take you?"

  Rias didn't say a thing just nodded yes. In that moment Y/n pulled up her shirt and black laced bra over her breast. She greedily brought both her breast into her mouth. Sending bolts of electricity through Rias' body.

  "I can't believe this! Just feeling Y/n's lips on my body is driving me cra-" she was quickly brought out of her thoughts, when Y/n's tongue entered inside her. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her body shaking uncontrollably. Her breath hitching, and all she could muster was,

  Akeno couldn't hold it in any longer. She wanted Y/n more than anything. From the first time she laid eyes on Y/n, she was captivated by her. She remembered all the nights she had dreaming about her, hoping that one day that there was a chance she could have her. And now she has that chance.

   Akeno pulled Y/n's head up to face her. Just the eye to eye contact was enough to send herself into a sexual trance. She grabbed
Y/n's breast and kissed her with more love than she knew she had. Wanting more, she drove her fingers deep inside Y/n. Not once releasing her from their kiss.

  "Akeno!!" Y/n climaxed in Akeno's hands. Both their breaths heavy. Akeno licked her hands, enjoying the taste. Only turning Y/n on more.

  Y/n used her power to bind Akeno to the wall.

"You can do anything you want to me! I'll be the M today!"


  After everything that went down today, everyone one was sent out on contracts. Even for Kiba and Issei who went home. So here is Y/n, standing in front of the door of the contractor. She had her ears and all her tails showing, all of them flowing as the breeze danced around her.

  Apparently, the contractor wanted to see a real live cat girl. Though at this time Y/n's mind wasn't in the mood to perform a service. She was too caught up with the fact that she went on a sex frenzy in the club room today.

"Huh... I never knew I was capable of such a thing!" Y/n lowered her head and blushed just thinking about it.

  "They all said it was just fine, and that they really enjoyed it, but oooh!" Y/n stood there, getting sadder by the minute. She just just couldn't believe that she did such a thing.

"I-I guess I'll just get this over with."

Y/n knocked on the door, but no one came. She tried again, though this time the door creeked open. She quietly stepped in the eerie looking hallway of the apartment. As she stepped into the living area, the scent of blood flooded her senses.

  She looked down to see a pool of blood surrounding her feet. A hand laid near, detached from the owners body. She looked at the rest of the body, seeing it dismembered on a bergundy colored recliner.

  Y/n stood in silence, not saying a word. Not one thought crossed her mind. She was no longer there, just the wrath that was rising to the surface.

"Well... What do we have here?"


A/n: Phew! Long chapter, right! If you guys liked Part II, and the intro to Freed. Vote, comment and be sure to follow!


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