Episode 7: Hi! I'm Asia Argento!

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Y/n's POV

(sigh) I hope Rias and the others aren't mad at me for what happened at the abandoned warehouse.... Oh who am I kidding of course they are. I almost blew them all up! I guess it's better if I stay away for a little while.

??: "Are you ok little kitty? You look sad!" I heared an angelic voice in front of me. Wait kitty? Oh!... I forgot I was just laying on this bench in my cat form. Who's calling me a little ki-....

"Y-YOUR AN ANGEL!!!" snap! I said that out loud didn't I

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"Y-YOUR AN ANGEL!!!" snap! I said that out loud didn't I. She probably weirded out now.

??: "You can talk!? How?" (Sigh) me and my big mouth, I sware.

"Give me a minute." I hop off the bench and strode behind a tree to shift to my human form. As soon as I come out, I see my angel blushing madly at me.

"M-My name is Y/n, and I'm a Nekomata

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"M-My name is Y/n, and I'm a Nekomata. I-It's a pleasure to meet you!" She's so cute! Don't look her in the eyes, don't you dare look at her pretty emerald green eyes. (looks) dang it  I looked!

??: "Likewise! I'm Asia, Asia Argento! Um...I never met a Nekomata before."

"Y-Yeah you really weren't supposed to know that we exist... It's just when I saw how unbelievably beautiful you were, I sorta just blurted out nonsense."

Asia: "You think I'm beautiful!?" There she goes again showing her adorable rose cheeks! Don't look...(looks) dang!

(Crying) "Who is that?" I look to see a little boy crying on the sidewalk. Asia rushed over to the boy and placed her palms over his scraped knee.

Asia: "It's going to be ok, let me heal you." Magic poured from her palms, healing the scrape in seconds. The boy stunned at what he just saw, "see your all good."

"And do you know what good boys get for being big and strong!" The little boy shook his head.

Little boy: "(Sniffling) no."

"They get to play with my ears and one of my tails!" I magically revealed my cat ears, and one of my tails.

Little boy: "Oh wow! So cool!"

Asia: "(Small giggle) You just wanted to be petted didn't you?" She looks at me with a bright smile on her face.



A few minutes after playing, we parted ways from the boy. This actually turned out to be an amazing day, and to actually meet someone with a Sacred Gear.

"So... You have a Sacred Gear?"

Asia: "Yes, and you have more than one tail?"

"Ten to be exact." She looks at me as if amazed.

Asia: "Can I see them!?"

"M-Maybe some other time, but I don't mind showing you privately!"

Asia: "Definitely!... Um? By the way do you know where the church is, I'm pretty new to Kuoh."

"Well your guess is as good as mine, I'm kind of new here too. We could just wander around aimlessly until we find it."

Asia: "That sounds amazing! We can get to know each other more too!"


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