
148 9 5

- "you suck!?!!?"

You comeback was so ilogical it gave me cancer

-her hair flushed a deep blue colour


- "I HATE YOU" she cried as she pounced on me like a tiger and ripped my eye-sockets out

You make me sick

- when the author over drama sizes it

-when tea other over explains what the towel is made from

"The plush, soft, fluffy cream, tangerine and aqua towel that was brought home by we mother from Antarctica say neatly beside her bedside desk"

Bitch idgaf

Guys they were in my country. Wtf when did this happen. It went so quick OMG stop no I might die.

Oh yeah and I got my first ever detention today...

Fucking bitch-arse teacher is a perfectionist and gives me an after school detention for being rude to her ""every single lesson""

This bitch barely even looks at me let alone speak to me

Oh and guess which teacher

You guessed it

My goddamn fucking dance teacher

OMG go to hell arsewipe

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