Nah bro

91 5 5

- I gasped when his hand slightly brushed across mine

I swear to zayn is this ass deaf can you not here the fucking dying rat sounds emitting from the crazy bitch over there

- when the author has in the description "regular updates" but only updates once every 3 months and then all of a sudden you get 300 chapters in one hit and your like "I waited 47 fucking years for this you need to chill bro" but then we all happy bc TEY updated for once


- daddy kink with an 8 year age gap and the child is 15.


- when the author suggests a song to listen to while reading the chapter but that chapter is like 1789437 pages long and the song goes for 2.3 minutes

- when the author suggests a song to listen to while reading the chapter but has no relation to the chapter what so ever

Like it will be a sad song for a chapter when they havin a bby

- claims to be poor but actually isn't then can't pay her bills bc she pregnant with 3 kids at the age of 18

I got bills.. I gotta.. Pay...

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