*clears throat*

41 2 2

- when you/an author legitimately just updated an hour or so ago and there are already people yelling 'HUrrrY Up aND uPDaTEEE UGHhghgGHhghhGH'

honey  no. ya'll gotta stop being whiny assholes

- 'i'll just read one more chapter'

hoe dont do it

'maybe just one more'

oh mah gahd

- i've got no contROL, NO CON~ *sneezes 60 million times*~TROOOoOoooooOOLLllllL

- i really wish i could put more than one picture/gif on a chapter bc then id put one next to each sentence 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

sorry i havent been updating much, shit has sorta been happening 

and h-h-holy fuck dmd video just fuck me up

man i sprinted out that family room as soon as i found out

my whole fam was like wtf is wrong with her

bc i just ran

to my laptop 

and watched it 60 billion times


fuck me in the asshole 

bye now lovelys 

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