Peice of slut

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"GET OUT OF HERE YOU SALADA!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and slammed to window shut. I was sad until I saw the tree leading up to the balcony"

Well damn I didn't know this was high school musical

"YOU LEFT ME STANDING IN THE RAIN FOR 6 HOURS!!" She screeched like a cat"

1. Why the fuck didn't you just leave after 1 hour wtafffff 2. I'm pretty sure people can't screech like cats unless they satan 3. Wtf 4. Wtf 5. Wtf

"I strategically placed my warm lips in the places of her skin"


I screenshotted the pic off if a story I love it's called fan girl it's really good and that bit just made me fall out of bed enjoy life and I will see you all in hell

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