Self shit

386 20 2

in a story where the m/c girl is real insecure but then she meets Lewis and now she's like some sort of stripper

Bitch I will get a cat to summon satan and make his devour your soul

"'I've always been insecure about wearing dresses. I don't like my legs, so instead I put on some shorts!'"

c'mon now pls

"I cut and starve myself. I wear short sleeves everyday and wear bracelets all the way up to my shoulder. I'm glad no one has found out yet!"

I'm sorry and nobody noticed you having bracelet arms!? who's your inspiration? Edward scissor hands?

"I work 7 jobs and still don't have enough money to pay for my rent"

Da faq I can't even get up in the morning how are you supposed to work 7 fucking jobs? is that even legal?

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