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[{(this chapter is about a book I've half read recently and then nearly thrown my already cracked phone out the eureka tower)}]

*Consensually has sex with someone other than his girlfriend and then regret it afterwards*

No you dumb fuck this is why shit happens these days you can't just do that and expect to be forgiven so easily. Why did you not think of her as you did that shit bc you 'love her'. No you dumb fuck you don't do that. Get your grungy arse out of this book and check yourself.

You need Jesus.

+ the chick is blonde.

I'm fucking blonde and I don't need this stereotypical shit thrown at my face.

But wait there's more.

He then asked shaniqua out to a different country and nearly hooks up with some other girl that has blonde hair

Bitch I don't need your filthy little fingers near me. I bought my Victoria secret underwear and everything so we could have fun but no you gotta ruin it all bc you can't handle that horny little 1/2 inch dick of yours

I couldn't I nearly did throw my phone across the room.

P.s it wasn't cracked bc o this book but fuck I dropped when riding a fucking scooter with Friends. Who tf rides a scooter anymore. I do. Bc they cool.

It's actually so cracked I'm gonna cry jks bye

Peace love suck your faves dick ✌️

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