What was

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- as you read and you start to cry and say "this was a good book"

- I'm doing it for revenge

*satan screaming* I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE

- when you just want to cry bc a story was good and then a carrot and some revenge came and the whole book just fell off a cliff

- "shaniqua, your girlfriend, just got into a car accident and is in a coma and might die. Her parents are moving her across the country and you won't see her for idk how long"

"Lol k" *doesn't even cry but still claims he loves her*

I'm going to snatch that neck out of your body

-"I looked to my right to see a 50 inch flat screen TV"

You can see all that in one glance.

Diddly doo.

- a physical relationship is NOT healthy by any means and I suggest your stop having sex every chapter. You will get pregnant and die.

Did I really jut quote mean girls.

So I've been reading this book and this bitch moves houses from Canada to London and she walks in and imidientky kn,ws what size the TV is (^) and says that there is a ps4 and a n64. What do you think I am, some robo techno computer. No. You expected wrong

*pauline Hanson voice* Pls explain

{Pauline Hanson was an Australian politician. Search her up. Ew}

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