"This is the earliest in the morning I have ever held a double session, but it seems necessary." He gestured to Maverick once more, who finished bandaging Katrinaa's knee and, dropping the medical kit back on Professor Griff's desk, moved to a corner of his office where a little stove was and set to work making them some tea. Scorpius glanced at Katrina's knee. 

"Are you okay?" he mumbled. His voice was still cold but it had softened a little. She was still his friend. She managed a nod through sniffles and hiccups. Scorpius' expression changed. He had absolutely no clue what was going on, but Albus was devestated, and Katrina seemed even more so. She was in pieces. 

"Eat the chocolate," Professor Griff encouraged softly. Katrina nibbled at it despairingly between gasps for breath. "Maverick," he called. "Some cold water for her. Quickly please. I'm afraid she's on the verge of a rather nasty panic attack." Then to her, "Please breathe dear. It's going to be alright. No one can hurt you in here."

"That's- not- true," Katrina sputtered angrily. Professor Griff looked down and Scorpius looked between them with interest. 

"You're right, dear." He said quietly. "A silly thing to say considering your circumstances." Scorpius was thoroughly perplexed, and becoming a little worried. 

"Katrina," he said urgently. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm sorry If I made you think that, but-"

"She's not worried about you," Professor Griff interjected. "At least, she's not worried about you hurting her. It seems she is considerably worried about what you think of the events that have evidently occurred in the last nine hours since our last session ended." He looked curiously between them. "But more on that in a minute."

"How- did you- know- I- was here?" she said quietly. 

"Bella," he said. "I went to your cairrage as early as I dared to confront you, but apparently I just missed you. Bella asked what happened last night. She said you told her to ask me."

"How-did she- take it?" she said quietly. 

"I didn't tell her. As soon as she said that this was the only place she could think where you could be, I left to find you." Katrina nodded. "Albus is devestated, Katrina," he said. She gripped the chair for support. Maverick flew over and delivered tea and teacake to the two students, but neither touched it. Katrina just sipped her water steadily. "The things you said to him-" 

"That's enough," Professor Griff said quickly, already catching on to what had happened. "Miss Fizzleworth needs a few more minutes to collect herself, otherwise she risks her health decending into another one of her violent panic attacks, and I don't think anybody wants that."

"Cela ne me dérangerait pas. Tout pour sortir de sous le pouce de Thomas," she muttered. She instantly realized her mistake. She had forgotten that Scorpius could speak French. She winced, preparing for the pain to hit her, but nothing came. (French Translation: I wouldn't mind. Anything to get out from under Thomas' thumb.)

"Excuse me?" Scorpius said in surprise. "What did he-"

"Parle moi en francais!" she said quickly. (Speak to me in French!)

"D'accord.....?" He said hesitantly. (Okay.....?)

"Je pense que cela trompe l'hex!" she said excitedly. The lack of pain in her head confirmed her suspicions. The hex only recognized what Thomas himself would recognize, and Thomas couldn't understand French! (I think this is tricking the hex!)

"Quel hex?" Scorpius asked. (What hex?)

"L'hexagone que Thomas m'a mis." she said, relief sinking in. (The hex Thomas put on me.)

"Donc Thomas est derrière tout ça?" (So Thomas is behind all this?)

"Bien sûr!" she exclaimed, a little hurt. "Tu penses vraiment que je dirais toutes ces choses à Albus autrement?" (Of course! You really think I would say all those things to Albus otherwise?)

"Je suis désolé de vous avoir mis en doute." (I'm sorry for doubting you.)

"Ça va. Je me doutais." (It's okay. I doubted myself.)

"Alors ... explication? S'il vous plaît?" (So..... Explanation? Please?)

"Fondamentalement, la nuit du bal de Noël, Thomas m'a kidnappé, m'a mis cet hexagone qui lui dirait si je le disais à quelqu'un et me disait que je devais arrêter d'être ami avec Albus et faire semblant de sortir avec lui pour lui faire du mal." (Basically, the night of the Yule ball Thomas kidnapped me, put this hex on me that would tell him if I told anybody, and told me that I had to stop being friends with Albus, and pretend to date him to hurt Albus.)

"Pourquoi?" (Why?)

"Il veut gagner la coupe. Il pense que la seule façon de le faire est de séparer Albus et moi et de briser Albus en quelque sorte en me prenant de lui. Je ne comprends pas beaucoup sa logique, mais ça a été une torture." (He wants to win the Cup. He thinks the only way to do that is separate Albus and I and break Albus somehow by taking me from him. I don't get a lot of his logic, but it's been torture.)

"Je suis vraiment désolé! Que puis-je faire?" (I am so sorry! What can I do?)

"Veuillez expliquer à Albus. Dis-lui que je suis désolé. Thomas ne peut pas savoir que vous le savez, cependant." (Please explain to Albus. Tell him I'm sorry. Thomas can't know that either of you know, though.)

"Je comprends. Bien sûr, je vais lui dire." (I understand. Of course I'll tell him.)

"Thank you," Katrina said greatfully. Her panic had lifted. 

"Of course," Scorpius said. "I'll go back to the common room now." He started towards the door, but paused. "And Katrina?"

"Yes?" He took her hand protectively.

"You tell me if he hurts you. Promise?" Katrina nodded weakly. 

"No," he said. "Promise me." 

"I promise," she said. 

"Alright. Please take care of yourself." Then he left. 

"Well!" Professor Griff exclaimed. "That was obviously very constructive! I, however, understood none of it, so you'll have to catch me up." To his surprise, she laughed, and reached for her teacake. Maverick hurried to reheat her tea, which had gone cold. 

The Cursed Chronicles: Year 6Where stories live. Discover now