chapter 27

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Jason opens up the door and all he see's is his sister in Toni's arms as she attempts to keep her held up straight. She looked so fragile. Jason obviously knew that she was drugged up.

"What the hell did you do, Topaz?!" Jason said with just straight anger in his face, already reaching out for his sister to help her in.

"It wasn't me. I promise, boss! I would never hurt Cheryl like that! I saw Reggie with her and got her out." The serpent had admitted as she still held onto the redheaded girl, still helping her to stay up and allowing herself to come into the Blossom residence. Jason sighed and let the serpent in as he saw that she was helping his sister. "I promised I'd protect her. Didn't I?"

"You did. I'm glad you did. I'm glad that you were around. I know you guys aren't talking right now and you just want space... But I'm glad you were there to take care and protect my sister when I know that you didn't need to." The red headed boy responded.

"I was there at the right time, I guess... It's no big deal." Toni admitted.

"No. It is a big deal. I'm glad the universe put you at that place at that time." Jason said sternly.

Toni grew a small smile across her face as he said that. Yeah, I didn't have to. But, I did. She thought to herself. She protected her at all costs.. Toni did a good thing. This was a rare occasion in her case. "Help me get her up to her room, please." Jason interrupted her thoughts. The serpent jolted her head up, finally getting out of her thoughts and looked at the red headed boy and nodded to him as they both helped the red headed girl up the stairs and into her bedroom.

The two helped the red headed girl onto her own bed. Toni just looked at her as she lay there on her bed and felt so horrible about everything that had just happened. If only I had just stuck by her the entire time and had let her in when that's all that she wanted. This wouldn't have happened. She's the sweetest girl. She doesn't deserve this. Toni just couldn't help but think that to herself and at this time and moment, all the pink-haired girl could do is blame herself for not being there. Toni looked up to Jason had just positioned her in the middle of her bed. The serpent started taking Cheryl's heels off slowly and just dropped them on the floor, beside Cheryl's bed. Toni grabbed the red covers and gently placed on top of her, making sure to cover every part of her body but her face. She tucked her in as lightly and as most comfortably possible.

"Thanks again, Toni. For bringing her home safely.. It's comforting to know that Cheryl's into such a kind person like you." Jason admitted.

Toni cracked a small smile. If only he knew of all the things that she has done to hurt her. Toni couldn't have cared less if this were any other girl. She knew herself. She was a bit confused with all these new feelings. She actually felt bad for the girl. Was it because this horrible thing had just happened to her? Or maybe that was the eye opening moment for her.. She had no idea what all of it was. All she knew is that she hated the feeling. Mostly because it is so new and also because she knew that, that's not how things usually went for her. She liked having no feelings. Because when she felt... It never made her feel good. The pink-haired girl looked down at the redheaded girl who was now fast asleep. She reached her hand out to rub Cheryl's head in the most soothing way. Aww, red... I wish it were me instead of you... You deserve better than this... Better than me. Toni just couldn't help but think that to herself. She reached down and left a small kiss on the sleeping beauty's forehead.

"I'm so sorry, Cheryl." Toni whispered. The serpent turned around and looked at Blossom boy that was standing in the room with her. It was silent between the two. Toni walked over to the girls mirror and saw that the picture she had took of her was hung up right on the edge. "She kept it." Toni whispered to herself.

"You know I think she has felt more confident in herself since she's seen that photo that you took of her." Jason added.

Toni was faced back towards Jason as she nodded her head a slight bit, continuing to look at the photo with a slight smile. Toni had liked Cheryl the way that she was. She couldn't fathom why she had changed her entire look. She looked great the way that she was. The serpent turned her head over the the sleeping girl. She noticed all the make up she was wearing and turned her head right back towards the vanity in the room. She walked over to grab make up remover wipes and walked right back beside the bed. She had gently grabbed the girls face, trying not to wake her and gently rubbed off the make up. She saw the redhead jolt a little and quickly stopped. Once she knew it was safe to start again, Toni rubbed off the rest of it. She looked at the girl and just admired her natural look. This is the Cheryl that I fell for.. Toni turned around, heading towards the trash can in the bedroom and threw out the make up wipes that had just been used.

"You did good." Jason began as he tried to break the silence. "I know how hard it is for you right now and I-"

The Blossom was interrupted by a sudden phone ringing signaling a call. Both checked their phones to see who's it was. Toni picked up her phone and looked down to see who it was.

"Hello?" The pink-haired girl answered as she looked up straight ahead past the redheaded boy, trying to completely focus on and process what the person on the other end of the call was saying to her.
new chapter... 2 years later!! haha.. can't promise you that i'll be consistent with updates/finishing the story.... but i will definitely try!!!! haha hope you enjoyed this first chapter back!! ❤️❤️ hope it's good enough for you all!

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