chapter 28

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The pink-haired serpent rushes into the hospital room that her brother has resided in for about the last month or so. The nurses looking straight down at her as she comes barging through the doors with the most worrisome look plastered across her face.

"Is everything okay? You guys called me to come in immediately!" Toni called out, trying to hold back tears and wanting a straight answer. She wasn't sure if this call was good news or bad. All she knew was that either way, it was going to be an emotional moment.

The nurses look at her. It takes the serpent a moment to realize. She looks at her brother, who still remains unconscious, she noticed.

"I thought you guys called because he woke up..." Toni questioned, saying it in almost as a whisper. Toni looks at the nurses, now with all this silence she hears the constant Beeeeeeeeep.. The flatline noise finally caught her attention. At first she didn't hear it. But it was because she wasn't listening.. So many thoughts were running through her head that she could not focus on what she had to see and hear around her until she let herself do so. The noise finally caught up with her mind, making Toni realize that her brother was gone. She stood in front of her brothers hospital bed and looked right down at her little brother as she can no longer hold back tears.

"What the hell happened?!" The serpent practically yelled at the nurses. The nurses looked over to her.

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Topaz. He bled out all so suddenly, we had no idea what happened and we did everything we knew how to try and save him... but there was nothing else we could do. I'm sorry, again, honey." The older nurse responded back to the young girl. All Toni could do was sigh and stand still getting lost in the moment.

"Asher... You promised me." Toni said so softly, with a small crack in her voice. She walked over to her now deceased baby brother who will forever be her baby brother to her. All she had of him was memories now. The serpent walked over to her brothers bedside. Reached over to his hand and placed her hand on top of his. As soon as she felt his touch, she just bursted out crying. She couldn't stop. Tears kept running down her face and it got to the point where she felt like she couldn't breathe. "Fuck...." The pink-haired girl cried out, almost like a yell.

"I love you so much, Ash. I promise I'm going to try and do and be better for you." Toni said, talking to her little brother. She knew she wasn't going to get a response but she still spoke to him like he was going to anyway. "I know that you have always wanted what's best for me just as I do for you. I wish you were here. I wish this was all a dream. I am so lucky to have had the sweetest, caring and kindest baby brother to take care of. I know that you're in a better place now. It's us... Forever, baby brother." Toni spoke to the boy right under her. She wiped the tears off her cheeks and let some run down and drop from the tip of her nose, onto the hospital sheets. Toni couldn't stop her crying. She felt her heart break into a million pieces. Asher was the only true love that Toni had ever gave and received. She reached down and kissed his forehead as she cried against him and let several tears fall down all over his unconscious body.

"I'm sorry, but it's time to take him." One of the nurses interrupted the serpent girls only and last interaction for a while with her little brother.

Toni sobbed and held on to her brothers body and hugged him one last time as the nurses prepared to take the corpse out of the hospital room.

"We'll reach out to you tomorrow for questions and information about the services for him." The nurse had stated, as she and the other nurse turned off all the machines, getting ready to wheel out the corpse to take him down to the morgue.

The young girl closed her eyes shut, trying to get the last of her tears out faster. She took a deep breath and tried to stop her sobs. She was trying to silently cry at this point, embarrassed of showing that much vulnerability. At some point in the next few minutes, she was finally able to speak up.

"Don't even bother... I can't afford any of it anyway." Toni admitted as she watched the nurses take her baby brother out.

One of the nurses looked to her as she was on her way to walk passed the girl. "I am so very sorry for your loss, Toni." The nurses said very genuinely as she started rubbing the serpent girls back in a motion of circles for a quick few seconds.

Toni just stood, silently. Her eyes were puffy from all the crying, her throat dry from all the crying and the redness in her eyes were so visible. First what happened to Cheryl... Now this with Asher... I've just had the worst night of my life. My life just keeps getting worse.. God, I hate it so much. Is all the pink-haired girl could think to herself. She watched her brother leave. This was the last time she was ever going to see him. Everything just moved in slow motion for her.

"Toni!" Someone called out to her, causing the girl to jump away from her thoughts and back into reality. Toni looked up and found her bestest friends all there in the waiting room.

"Jason called... He thought you might want some company. He said you got a phone call from the hospital and rushed out." SweetPea said as he walked closer to the smaller girl. Toni began to walk out the hospital room. She looked back one last time to take in her brothers last moments in this hospital room and then felt the embrace of a tall and strong figure. As soon as he felt his touch, she knew she had to snap back into reality. Back to the life and the people she knows. She turned her head and walked just outside the hospital room. SweetPea held her into a tighter and more comforting hug. She turned her face and dig her head onto his chest, lightly sobbing once again.

"He's gone." Toni, whispered and cried to him at the same time.

"I know. We've got you though.. We're you're family too." SweetPea admitted.

Toni wrapped her arms around and held onto the tall figure so tight. Jig head and Fangs came over and came over to join the hug as a group.

"Don't worry, Toni. Clifford's gonna pay for this."
what do you think of this chapter??!! Surprised??.... haha im crying!! i'm so sorry!!! hope you guys are enjoying the new chapters. let me know what guys think about my story so far!! any of you guys reread it just to catch up for these new and updated chapters? comment and like!! show some love please!!!!

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