chapter 32

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There was nothing but silence between the serpent and the northsider that sat in the booth at pops. Nothing other than school questions were being the conversation of things. Toni desperately wanted to conversate with the redhead. I guess the serpent had hoped that maybe this would bring them closer together again. But, it had seemed like Cheryl was already over her by this point. Toni had been through a lot in the last couple months. All she wanted was space and now that Cheryl was giving it to her, she didn't want it anymore. Cheryl kept catching the serpent look up at her every now and then. The Blossom eventually got tired of it.

"Why am I even doing this? You can do this on your own." Cheryl admitted as she closed her textbook up and started to put her things away.

Toni was officially looking at the girl now. Her face turned. "Cheryl, wait!" The serpent responded, trying to get her attention. "I need help in my classes order to graduate." Toni began.

"You never even cared about school. Why are you even trying now?" Cheryl shook her head, zipping up her bag.

The pink-haired girl sighed. "Asher died a few weeks ago." The serpent had said as she was now forced to remember that night it all happened.

When she heard the news, Cheryl paused what she was doing and looked at her. Cheryl had no idea. No one had informed her of this. All she knew was that Toni wasn't in school for weeks due to the fact that things were going on in her life. In those weeks, it gave Cheryl the time to process a heartbreak and begin to heal from it. When Cheryl asked her brother about Toni since she knew that they were friends and all Jason told Cheryl about the serpent was that she was going through a lot. The Blossoms face suddenly became etched with sympathy as she looked at the pink-haired girl across from her. She never knew how it felt to lose anybody. She knew every person in the serpents life had either left her or died. Cheryl could never fathom how much it could even affect a person because it's never happened to her. Now that Toni had lost her brother, the only real family she had left, Cheryl felt bad. Cheryl never lost anyone in her life, especially not a sibling. She could not even imagine what life what be like without Jason here.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Toni." The redhead said, sympathetically. "I wish I had met him." Cheryl admitted, knowing how much the serpents little brother meant to her.

"You know..." The serpent began. "Asher always wanted to meet you." Toni stated. "He always thought you were the one for me. He said you were good for me and he always wanted us to be together." Toni said as she almost whispered her last sentence. The pink-haired girl looked up at the redhead, dropping her pencil that she had in her hand.

The redhead looked at the girl across from her with sad eyes, remembering all the memories they had together about a month back now. Cheryl wasn't sure how to respond to what she had just heard. Instead of responding, she decided to ignore it and act like she hadn't heard what she had just admitted. The two continued to share eye contact until the redhead decides on what to say next.

"How about we end this study sesh for today?" The redhead questioned but it came out more like a demand.

Toni nodded at the girl in front of her and began to put her things away.

"Yeah... Sure." The pink-haired serpent agreed, but really didn't want to. "I've got somewhere else to start heading at anyway." Toni began as she cleared her throat. "Jugheads birthday is coming up so I have to figure out what I'm getting him." Toni remembered as she started to pack her things up, mostly just rambling. "I don't even know why I'm telling you." Toni chuckled, putting her last things away in her bag.

Cheryl looked straight at the girl. "Yeah.. Well, good luck with that." The redhead responded with a smile that almost seemed fake, as she started to slide out the booth.

"Yeah, thanks." The serpent said as she mirrored the girls actions.

"See you tomorrow." The pink-haired girl reminded.

The redhead nodded at her before rushing out the diner as soon as she gets out of her booth, running into her twin brother on the way out. Toni noticed that they just exchanged a few words and then went on about their day. Cheryl walked out the restaurant as Jason walked up the counter of the diner to order some food. As soon as Toni notices the Blossom boy she walks right up to him, as she flings her backpack across her one shoulder.

"Hey, Jason!" Toni said, enthusiastically with a smile,interrupting Jason's thoughts as he looks through the menu as if he hadn't just ordered. He finishes his payment and slides the menu back over. Jason looks over to his left and notices the much smaller girl.

"Hey, Topaz. How's your brother?" The redheaded boy asked, actually genuinely concerned and curious. Pop's comes over and hands him a strawberry milkshake with a cherry on top.

Toni was hesitant about answering the question. She hated being forced to remember the horrors of that entire day. But she knew only her inner circle knew of what happened since there was no funeral and nobody really talked about it except for the few that attended the hospital that night.

"He didn't make it." The serpent said with her face turning down as her smile faded.

Jason pats the smaller girl on her back in a friendly way. "I'm so sorry, Toni. Asher was a good guy. I didn't get to know him for long but he was a great kid!"

"Thanks, Jason. I really appreciate that!" The pink-haired girl said with almost a smile towards the taller boy. "Did you tell Cheryl about that night?" Toni said, curiously and softly so that only he could hear.

Jason sipped on his milkshake. "She doesn't know anything. She didn't remember much so I didn't want to remind her of all the horrid events." The Blossom admitted.

Toni thought to herself. If only she knew that Toni did in fact care and save her from that... Maybe things would be different. Of course Toni didn't wish that she'd remember that traumatic moment. She just wish she'd remember the fact that she saved her. That's what was important to her. But, Toni wasn't going to remind her. She just decided to let it go. She decided that she was just going to have to deal with the fact that Cheryl is different now and she has realized that she deserves more than what the serpent gave her.

Toni finally realized that maybe she did care about this girl in the last few weeks, and in those few weeks, Cheryl had started pulling the other way.

"You did the right thing. It's best she doesn't remember anyway." The serpent admitted.

"Thanks again for what you did for my sister." The redhead started. "Maybe you aren't so bad." The boy chuckled.

Toni sent him a small smile as she walked towards the exit, thinking about and knowing her reputation. The fact is that although she withheld that reputation, in the past few weeks of mourning her baby brother, she no longer cared about her reputation or the girls. She found herself only caring about the only girl she has ever opened up to and let in. The one and only...

Cheryl Blossom.

sorry for this pretty boring chapter.😂 i just wanted to update for you guys. don't worry though... i've got plans on where i'm going with this... a lot of drama soon.... also plss go support my editing page on instagram @/vanessamorgay .. love your comments, so keep commenting and give me some ideas to possibly include for this story!!! show some love!!!

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