chapter 2

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The bell rings, signaling them to start heading to their next class. Toni picks up her things and rushes towards Cheryl as she makes her way out of the classroom.

"Hey Red! Wait up!" Toni called out to Cheryl and Cheryl looked back knowing it was her. Cheryl looked at Toni and stopped slowly as Toni rushed to her side. "So about this project-" Toni was interrupted by the redhead.

"Look, I'll do it by myself. I'll do everything and I'll just write your name on it. It's fine, I know what I'm doing." The ginger spoke as she walked beside the pink-haired girl to her next class.

"No. I was actually going to help with the project. I wanted to talk to you to ask if you want to meet up tonight to start as soon as possible." Toni some what lied.

Toni actually was going to kind of help with the project but her real assignment she had given herself was to get closer to Cheryl, so that she could hook up with her next. Cheryl reached her classroom door and stopped right in front to finish up her conversation with Toni.

Cheryl looked straight at Toni and slightly smiled, "Really?" Cheryl asked, completely shocked, knowing how Toni Topaz really is. Toni nodded. "Well then, meet me at pops at 6:00 pm." Cheryl commanded. Toni looked at Cheryl and smiled as the ginger turned around to enter her classroom.

"Okay, I'll be there." Toni called out to Cheryl.


"I want to ask her out so bad, but everytime I speak to her I just get so nervous." SweetPea admitted as he spoke to the gang of four about his crush on some girl named Veronica Lodge during lunch.

"Stop being a pussy." Toni boldly said. Fangs laughed and SweetPea punched his shoulder playfully.

"Yeah, man. There's literally nothing to be nervous about. You just need to go for it." Jughead advised.

"That's easy for you to say, you already have a girlfriend." SweetPea responded.

Jughead looked to him and smiled as he thought of his blonde girlfriend. "Ah. Betty Cooper, my Juliet, my love." Jughead said so lovingly as he watched his girlfriend head over to the table right on cue, as if it were rehearsed.

The two lovebirds pecked each others lips and shortly after Jughead wasted no time to get back to eating his lunch. Betty sat beside him, leaning on his shoulder as he ate.

"Just go for it, Pea. Be confident." Toni advised him.

"Not everyone is as confident as you are when it comes to girls, Tiny." Toni looked at him and smiled.

"Just do it. You never know what could happen until you try. If you never try, you'll never succeed." Toni responded.

SweetPea took Toni's words into consideration as he then got distracted by a beautiful sight. Veronica Lodge, walking into the cafeteria. Toni noticed his heart eyes and turned around to finally identify who his crush was. She turned her head and finally saw the mysterious girl that SweetPea had heart eyes for. Alongside her, entering the cafeteria was the now not so mysterious Cheryl Blossom that she had just previously met. Toni admired both girls as they walked in, finding attraction in both, the ginger and the latina. Toni had never noticed these girls until today which made Toni wonder how something like that could even be possible. Toni smirked as both girls walked across the cafeteria, talking to eachother.

Toni turned her head to SweetPea. "She's hot." Toni said, and SweetPea nodded, smiling at his much smaller friend.


Cheryl sat at pops awaiting the pink-haired serpent. Cheryl looked at her phone for the time and sighed. The serpent was 40 minutes late. Cheryl decided she was done waiting and began to pack her things, heading out towards the door. Just then, she ran into someone who came rushing into the diner, causing her to fall back and drop her glasses.

Cheryl squinted her eyes as she began trying to feel for her glasses around her. "Here." The girl said to her, giving her back her glasses.

Cheryl recognized the voice and shortly got annoyed. She quickly put on her glasses got up and began making her way out. The girl reached for her wrist before she made it to the door.

"Look. I'm really sorry I'm late. I didn't do it on purpose. I promise you. Something came up and I had to deal with it. I would've called or texted but I didn't have your number." Cheryl looked up at the girl and made eye contact with her.

Cheryl looked Toni up and down sighed. "Fine. Let's get started." Cheryl said as she headed back down to sit.

Toni silently sat across from Cheryl at the diner. Toni was actually doing what she was told to do, Cheryl found it odd but didn't question a thing. Suddenly the pink-haired girl spoke up.

"Are you related to Jason Blossom?" The serpent girl asked. Cheryl looked away from her books and made eye contact with Toni.

"He's my twin brother." Cheryl answered. Toni smiled at her and widened her eyes.

"What? No way. I knew Jason had a sister, but I didn't know it was a twin. That's so awesome! Jason's a really cool dude." For some odd reason, Cheryl smiled at the serpent and admired Toni's enthusiasm and quickly grew fond of her at that moment.

Toni had suddenly changed her mood in less than a second, going back to the Toni everyone knew well and good. Toni stopped doing the work and just stared right at the redhead. Cheryl noticed her eyes watching her and began to become nervous. Toni reached over across the table and placed her hand on top of Cheryl's, causing Cheryl to stop writing and become distracted.

"What's making you so nervous, sweetheart?" Toni asked.

Cheryl pulled away her hand at the sound of the nickname she was given by this certain serpent. She looked at Toni and found her smirking right at her. Cheryl quickly looked back down and pushed her glasses in more from the middle nervously, trying so hard to avoid making eye contact with Toni.

Cheryl's actions didn't go unnoticed by Toni. "Do I make you nervous?" Toni spoke up again.

Cheryl stayed silent and quickly began to pack her books, shoving them into her bookbag. Toni mirrored her actions as she noticed the girl rushing to get out of the diner. Cheryl finished packing her things before Toni did and quickly made her way out of the booth.

"U-um... We can work on this t-tomorrow.. I-I'm late. I've gotta go." Cheryl stammered.

Toni nodded and smirked as the redhead walked out. Toni stood there smiling at the fact that she made this ginger nervous. Toni made her way to the exit Pop's diner and headed off on her motorcycle to head off to wherever she was sleeping at that night.
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