chapter 12

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Cheryl and Toni walked into Thornhill side by side. Immediately Toni was greeted by the older Blossom woman who resided there.

"Would you like a glass of water? Or a snack?" Cheryl's mother offered.

Toni looked to Cheryl then up at the older redhead. "Um.. Yeah, water would be fine, Mrs. Blossom. Thanks."

"Oh, please. Call me Penelope." She said with a wide smile as she walked away to the kitchen.

Cheryl led Toni to the living room and they both sat on the couch.

"Why am I here, Cheryl?"

"I need you to be my emotional support... I'm gonna tell my parents about me being into girls... Being into you..." Chery responded, whispering the last part as she gazed into Toni's eyes.

Toni nodded as a smile came up across her face. She placed her hand over the hand of the much paler girl. They smiled as they looked at eachother.

"Whatever you need, red."

Penelope came back with two glasses of water for the teenage girls. The girls quickly let go of each others hands and picked up the glasses.

"Mom.. Where's dad?" Cheryl asked.

"In his office, why? What do you need, sweetheart?"

"I-I just need to t-talk to you guys about something." Cheryl shuddered as she took a sip of her water, then placing it on the coffee table in front of her.

"Well you know your father doesn't like being interrupted when he's in his office. You can always talk to me. What's wrong?" Penelope asked, concerned for her daughter.

Cheryl cleared her throat, looking down as she pushed up her glasses higher up on the bridge of her nose. Toni noticed the girls discomfort and placed a hand on her back, rubbing her back around in circles with her free hand. Cheryl looked to Toni.

"You got this." Whispered Toni, with a smile across her face.

"Mom... I've been hiding who I really am for awhile. And I know I'm probably disappointing you and dad but.. I cant hide who I have feelings for much longer." Cheryl began as she made complete eye contact with her mother. "Mom... I'm bisexual.. And Toni isn't just a friend... Or I don't know.. Nothings official yet, but all I know is that I really really have romantic feelings for Toni, mom." Cheryl finished as she looked up to her mother.

Penelope just stared at her daughter, completely unprepared for what she had just admitted. She stay silent and Cheryl grew nervous.


All the women in the room looked up at the male figure. They hadn't even noticed or heard him walk into the room.

"We raised you the right way, how could you disappoint us like this? You've disappointed this entire family, you're supposed to be normal and marry a good man like Archie Andrews." Mr. Blossom told his daughter as he stood at the entrance of the room.

"Clifford. How could you say that to our own daughter." Penelope told her husband, as she found herself being shocked by what he had said about Cheryl.

Toni grew angry at what Clifford had to say about Cheryl and placed her glass of water on the table and stood up quickly and confidently with a pugnacious face as she always had when she was angry.

"You're right. You did raise her right. She's kind, smart, caring, and beautiful. But it's her choice who she chooses to love. It may be a man or it may be a woman.. You are not to decide her future. She's not a disappointment." Toni yelled back at the Blossom man who stood in the room. "She's... Sensational." Toni admitted, looking over to her favorite redhead, then back over at the man.

"Toni." Cheryl tried to stop the serpent girl.

"No, Cheryl. You don't deserve this, you-"

"Is that a serpent jacket I see on you?" Clifford randomly asked.

Toni just looked up to the man, not saying a word.

"Get this southside trash out of my home right now. How could you bring such people into Thornhill?" Clifford commanded and questioned Cheryl.

Toni grew angrier at the man as he continued to insult her. She so badly wanted to take out her pocket knife and fight this man right then and there. But she knew she couldn't, she knew what this man was capable of.

Cheryl and Penelope stood up.

"Daddy.." Cheryl lightly cried as she began walking over to her father.

Clifford just looked at his daughter, walking away with no regret of the words he had spoken in the room.


"Shut the hell up, Penelope." Clifford yelled across the hall.

Penelope looked down for a moment then looked over to her daughter. Jason came rushing down the stairs and over to where all three women stood.

"Mom... Cheryl.. Are you guys okay? I heard so many voices and yelling." Jason admitted.

"Yes, I'm fine, sweetheart." Penelope said softly clearing her throat, as she sat back down on the couch, still trying to get an understanding of what her daughter had admitted.

Cheryl just stood there and nodded as she lightly sobbed. Everything that had just happened was still processing in her head.

Jason then looked over Cheryls shoulder, noticing Toni picking up her bookbag from the couch and strapping it on her right shoulder. Jason walked passed his sister and his mother and went over to Toni.

"He knows you're a serpent... That's why he's upset, right?"

"Yeah... And also.. Cheryl told your parents. Your father didn't take it to well and called Cheryl a disappointment to your family.. And your mom.. speechless basically." Toni answered.

Jason nodded and walked over to his sister, giving her a nice warm hug.

"Cheryl, you're far from being a disappointment to this family. In fact, you're the most worthy Blossom we have. I know you're gonna do great in life. You'll be the most successful out of all of us, Cher. I love you." Jason comforted his sister. "Like I said, dads not a good man anyway, we don't need him." Jason whispered into his sisters ear.

Cheryl felt so comfortable in her brothers arms. She nodded at his statement as she cried into his chest.

Toni looked over to the cute sibling moment they were having. She admired that Jason always protected her.

"I'm gonna go now.." Toni began as she walked to exit the room. "I'll see you soon, red. Text you later." Toni added as she looked over to Cheryl who was now looking at her. Cheryl nodded as she wiped her tears away. Toni turned to exit the home when her name was being called.

"Toni.." Jason called.


"Thanks..." Jason began. "For protecting Cheryl."

"It's no problem... And it never will be." Toni smiled at the boy and with that Toni left the Blossom residence.
Cheryl's out to her family! Toni standing up for Cheryl.. Clifford being the asshole he is.. And you're welcome for making Penelope good.. Even thought she hasn't yet processed Cheryl's sexuality... I promise she's good! LIKE AND COMMENT FOR MORE UPDATES!

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