chapter 11

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Cheryl woke up to the sound of her alarm. She pay her bedside, and once again the serpent was gone before she had awaken.


Jason approached Toni as he saw her pull up into the school driveway, late as she always did. She turned off her vehicle and took her helmet off to look at the redheaded boy.

"Hey, Jason.. I don't have any updates yet, but we'll le-"

"I'm not here to talk about that." Jason stated.

Toni got off her bike and grabbed her bag as she began to walk inside the building, signaling Jason to walk beside her. Jason obeyed.

"What's up, Jason?"

"You and my sister. That's what's up." Jason said as the two walked up the steps to the entrance of the building.

"What do you know?" Toni asked as she opened the door and entered the building with Jason following right behind.

"I know that Cheryl really likes you as more than a friend."

Toni kept silent for a moment, smiling to herself as they continued to walk the halls of Riverdale High.

"Does she now?"

"Yes. And I know your reputation, Toni. If you hurt my sister, I hurt you. I expect you to respect her and be loyal to her if you guys ever make it official. But I want you to know, that if I ever see my sister cry because of you, I will make sure that you will not walk away as happy as you always do." Jason sternly assured the girl.

Toni nodded as they walked, roaming the halls of Riverdale High.

"Get to class, you two!" A teacher shouted from across the hall.

The two students nodded as they continued to walk, making sure they were out of the teachers sight.

"I like Cheryl, I really do. I think your sisters hot. I know how I am too, Jason. But your sisters different, she actually makes me want to change my ways, and I've thought about changing my ways multiple times. I cant guarantee that I won't hurt her, because knowing me.. I'll probably say or do something stupid to hurt her feelings. I can't completely change who I am. But for Cheryl Blossom, I just might." Toni admitted.

"I appreciate your honesty, Topaz. I get it, you can't really count on yourself to never hurt her, but just try.. And we'll be good." Jason responded.

"I'll promise you one thing, Jason. I will forever protect her. I've grown very fond of her, and she has been way too kind. I care for her a lot.. That's something that doesn't really come often to me. She's one of the few people I trust and care about." Toni said with a small smile, looking up at the boy.

Jason patted Toni's shoulder. "Thanks, Toni. You're welcome at Thornhill anytime... We're good here now." Jason said as he walked away to his classroom.

Toni looked at Jason confused for a moment as she thought of his words, 'you're welcome at Thornhill anytime...' Did Cheryl tell Jason or was she just over thinking it, Toni thought. Toni ignored it for the moment walking to her classroom. As soon as she arrived the bell rang, so she just decided to wait by the door awaiting a certain redhead. As soon as Cheryl noticed Toni she grew a wide smile and walked up to her, giving her a hug.

"Hey, babe." Toni said with a smile.

Cheryl pushed up her glasses as she blushed at the nickname. "Oh.. Babe?" She asked as the two walked to her next class.

"Um... Yeah, if that's okay with you."

"It's better than okay. I like it." Cheryl admitted. "By the way, why do you always leave so early?"

"I wake up early so I can go get some clothes from the cabin, come back to school to shower and go back to return the older bag of clothes." Toni said softly so no one around her but Cheryl could hear.

"Why don't you just shower at my house? I have my own bathroom in my bedroom.. And bring your clothes too.. We can hide them some place." Cheryl responded.

"No, I feel like that's already too much. You've already given me a place to sleep. I don't want to invade your whole bedroom." Toni stated.

Cheryl nodded, not wanting to argue with the girl because she knew she'd always just do whatever she wanted to anyway.

"Cheryl.. Did-" The pink-haired girl had began.

Cheryl looked at her and smiled, then realized she was about to be late to her class. The girl rushed over to her classroom door as Toni followed right behind.

"Sorry, Toni, I've got to get to class. You should too." Cheryl said with a smile. "Come by my house after school." Cheryl commanded as she took a step into her classroom.

"Yeah, I'll be there." Toni nodded as she walked away to roam the halls of Riverdale High as she always did.


Toni drove up the driveway entrance of the Blossom residence. She parked her motorcycle in front of the house and got up, taking off her helmet and placing it on her seat. She took out her phone from her bag and texted Cheryl that she was here. Minutes later, Cheryl walked out of her home and up to Toni.

"It sure does feel a hell of a lot better driving up here than walking like I always do when I sneak up here." Toni said with a chuckle.

"I bet, I know the entrance is really long. Where do you even park your motorcycle at night? And how do you even have the energy to walk the way up here?" Cheryl questioned.

"I park my bike around the corner actually it's not that far. I found a nice hidden spot for it.. " The serpent answered." And for your second question... Well I just happen to have the energy for a lot of things. I'm very energetic." Toni winked at the redheaded girl in front of her.

Cheryl blushed as she looked down, pushing up her glasses up higher.

"Stop. Don't say that when my parents are home!" Cheryl scolded.

Toni chuckled at the clearly nervous girl. "Alright, whatever you want, gingersnap... So what are we doing here anyway?"
Jason being an overprotective brother is the cutest thing ever. Toni and Cheryl growing closer?? Hmm.. I don't know about that yet... LIKE AND COMMENT FOR MORE UPDATES!

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