"Red Hair?"

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Inspired by a comment on a post on Instagram. The commenter's user is @kukoro_art.n.edits , so ye. Thanks for the inspo, I really needed it <3

"Astrid?" Hiccup called from his bedroom, where his wife appeared shortly after, two little children clinging to her body.

"Yeah, babe?" She sighed, prying off Zephyr and Nuffink's little hands. She watched in confusion as a shirtless Hiccup was continuously pushing his bangs off his forehead in front of the mirror.


She walked in, and her two children ran off, most likely to play with their toys. She leant against her husband, resting her cheek on his currently bare shoulder.

"Red," He claimed, as he pointed to the root of his bangs, where, sure enough, bright orange was coming through. He lifted his chin and pointed to a few orange strands in his beard, then he looked down, Astrid following his gaze. A blush formed on her cheeks, picturing what was in his pants.

But, she didn't have to picture it as he opened his pants and underwear with his thumb, revealing a certain part of his body. But what was also there, was orange hair.

"Red," He sighed, letting go of his pants and turning to his blushing wife. He smirked, knowing exactly what caused the colours on her cheeks, before speaking as she met his gaze.

"I'm turning into a ginger," 

There was a blatant pause before Astrid burst out laughing, her shoulders shaking and her petite frame rattling, small tears were leaking from her eyes.

"Astrid! This isn't funny! I don't know how it's happening!" He panicked, eyes wide.

"I don't think it's anything to worry about, Babe."

"Everyone's going to notice!"

"No, they won't." Astrid sighed, cupping Hiccup's face between her hands. She placed a gentle kiss on his lips which he slowly returned, strong arms wrapping around her waist.

As they slowly broke apart, Hiccup leant his forehead against hers, his eyes scanning hers for reassurance.

"If you're that worried about it, go talk to Gobber, or Gothi. Or even Fishlegs if you want," She told him, and Hiccup nodded. He turned away, grabbing his leather tunic and slowly putting on all his armour. 

"I'll talk to Gobber about it today." He said, kissing his wife on the cheek.

"Fishlegs is running the academy today. Want me to take the kids?" He asked his wife, who nodded.

"Just give them a minute to get ready,"

Time skip brought to you by the arsehole who doesn't post that much anymore

"Red Hair!?" Gobber cried, his thick Scottish accent laced through his exclamation. "Lemme see that!" He bellowed, sauntering over to the not-so-young-anymore Chief. 

Gobber pushed back Hiccup's brown bangs, where yet again the orange roots were showing. Once Gobber processed the situation, a wide smile came onto his face.

"Hiccup! Yer going orange!" The blacksmith cried. "Just like yer Father did at yer age!" 

HIccup's green eyes widened for a moment.

"What? Dad's hair wasn't always orange?" 

"No!" Gobber yelled, laughing his box off. "I knew this would happen sooner or later!" he claimed, his loud voice echoing off the walls in the forge.

"It's finally happened, lad! I was wondering when it would happen." Gobber sighed, returning to his metalwork. "Give it a few months, and you'll look just like yer Father!" 

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