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A/N: Hey! Another one-shot! It's out of the usual for me to do one in this time zone, but I think it would have the most accurate effect. Oh yeah, can you just pretend Spitelout is soulless? Just this once? Cheers, enjoy.


Age: 15-16 (DoB)

Couples: None

Place: Berk


The Gang were gathered in the academy, going over formations. From above watched Spitelout, proud of his boy-o. Eventually, questions answered and demonstrated, class was over. Everyone had gone to their dragons, talking to them quietly. Spitelout walked in, addressing most of them.

"Good job, Boy-o. The rest of you did... alright." Spitelout said, looking each of his son's friends up and down, untill he came up to Hiccup.

"But you! Your a different story! What would your father think of that! The future chief, sloppy? I don't think so! My son may aswell be chief right now!" He yelled, and Hiccup looked down sheepishly. The others looked up, disturbed at what he was saying. Hiccup had only just been excepted back into the tribe, and Spitelout was pushing him out again.

"Your Mother would be disappointed! A shame, really. She probably let herself be taken away by that dragon, so she could get away from you!" Spitelout continued, shocking those in the arena with his words.

"Dad, stop!" Snotlout tried, but it had no affect.

"And what a waste of time it was, since you nearly killed ye'self more than once!" A few tears slipped from Hiccup's eyes, he was believing him. Astrid rushed to Hiccup.

"Don't beleive him, Hiccup! Your amazing, you stopped a war!"

"Speaking of wars, what about yours with Daggur? Loosing, are you? Well, I'm not surprised, since your the leader." Spitelout offended, stinging Hiccup once more.

"People just pity you, Hiccup. They never really liked you, and they still don't. Especially your Father, you were just a burden to him. Still are. You were too hard to handle, so he sent you to the forge, hoping you'd somehow kill ye'self on those sharp weapons in there!" Spitelout sneered, making Hiccup collapse on his knees. The gang also rushed up, trying to comfort their breaking down friend.

"Useless! Weak! Destructive, annoying. Shall I go on? Or should I just let those words roll around in your head for a minute!?" He cackled, walking away. Hiccup thought of Spitelout as right, and the words did roll around in his head.

Hiccup started whimpering, worrying the gang. Astrid especially, since she had warmed up to Hiccup quite alot in the recent weeks.

"Tuff, Ruff, go find Stoick and Gobber." She whispered, trying to comfort the wailing Hiccup. The twins immediately did so. Snotlout also decided to go off, somwhere.

She ran his hands through his soft hair, but that did nothing. Hiccup eventually started thrashing around, worrying Fishlegs and Astrid even more.

"Fishlegs! What's happening to him!?" She cried, trying to pin him down so Hiccup didn't hurt himself.

"I don't know, but I think it's an anxiety attack!" He cried, whimpering.

With Snotman

Snotlout had decided to go after his dad. How dare he talk to his cousin like that? Anyway, Hookfang and Snotlout flew over the village, looking for his dad. He eventually found him, scolding a little girl.

"Dad!" Snotlout yelled, attracting the villager's around him attention.

"Yes, son?" He simply replied, turning around.

"What's your problem! Hiccup's your nephew!? He's your own blood and you treat him like that? Who do you think you are! You don't own the place!" Snotlout screamed.

"Since when do Jorgenson's stand up for the weak?"

"We don't! Hiccup's not weak! And besides, we stand up for what's right, Dad! You shouldn't be treating Hiccup that way." Snotlout demanded, trying to get the message inside his Dad's hairy head.

"Your being unreasonable, boy-o." 

"UNREASONABLE? UNREASONABLE!?" Snotlout screamed. "You gave Hiccup an anxiety attack, Dad!" snotlout continued, making those watching the two Jorgenson's gasp.

"If I was chief, like you think I should be, my first move would be banishing you." Snotlout finished, he was done with his Dad. He flew back to the arena, steaming. 

There, he saw Stoick and Gobber standing over Hiccup.

"Son, look at me. Whatever Spitelout said, tell me." Stoick gently demmanded.

"Why!? So you can confirm it!?" Hiccup shouted, backing up from his Father and Friends. Stoick was about to walk up to him, before Gobber placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Chief, Hiccup's like a dragon. They need lot's of personal space, and one wrong move and they'll fire."

Stoick nodded, before turning back to his son.

"Hiccup, I want to know what he said so I can give him the punishment..."

Hiccup looked into his Father's eyes, and he saw sincerity, kindness and love. Spitelout was wrong, His Father did love him and care for him. He ran to his father and threw his arms around him.

"Thank you, Dad. I-I'm sorry! H-he was just s-so m-mean and I-I was weak and I-" Hiccup started rambling, but Stoick shushed him. 

The gang smiled on, happy that Hiccup was okay. They were happy he had someone to turn to, someone to cancel his worries. 

As for Spitelout, let's just say he... wasn't seen for a few... years, and he got the punishment he rightfully deserved. No one, from that day, offended Hiccup again.

A/N: Hey people! I finished it. I tried writing multiple chapters today, but neither worked out, so they were deleted. I've lost my 'Talent' somehow, and I can't write good things. Just gotta... wait till tomorrow? Sorry this was so short. 

Oh yeah, this had no research, so I don't know what an anxiety attack looks like, but eh.


Published: 17 August, 2019

Word count: 922

Hope you enoued, G'baiiiiiiiiiiii!


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