Haddock's and The Haddock's

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A/n: Look, I know I said I didn't adore modern AUs, but I think this is cute.

I got this idea from a few weeks ago at school, it was book week. And on Friday, we get to dress up as a character from a book, and me and my friend were going to go as Astrid and Heather. Only, she got sick, so I was alone. Two minutes after the parade we have, My costume fell apart. The arm wraps, and more importantly, the skirt. I think my mum needs to re-learn how to sew. (oof!)

Anyway, this is a pretty long AN. You probably just want to read this oneshot, so here. Oh yeah!

Warning: Mild Swearing


Age: 35-36, 9-12. 

Couples: Hiccstrid, Heathlegs, Rufflout.

Where: Modern AU, Albany, W.A.


"Mum, Dad! We need to go really, really soon!" A nine year old Finn Haddock begged.

"Calm down, Finn, your mother's getting ready." Hamish Haddock, recently turned 36, told his son. Then, Zephyr ran down the stairs.

"Dad! It's four o'clock, if we don't go now, we'll have nothing to go as on Friday! Which is tomorrow!" She complained.

"I know, Zeph, just be patient." Hamish said, standing by the doorway, watching Finn, who had now jumped in their ute, and also waiting for his darling wife. 

"I'm not good at being patient. But, I wonder who I get it from." Zephyr teased her Father, walking past.

"Your mother. You get it from your mother." Hamish smiled.

"Get what from me?" Ashley, going on 35, asked, walking out of the hallway. Everyone just chuckled and shook their heads.

"Your beautiful," Hamish whispered deeply in her ear as she walked past him, making her blush, but still getting into the drivers seat none the less. Soon enough, Hamish joined her in the passengers seat. Ashley started the car, putting on her seatbelt. Hamish did the same before turning around to see if his kids had too. Zephyr did, but Finn had wrapped the seatbelt around his head, squishing his face and making his sister laugh.

"Finn, put your seatbelt on," Hamish turned back around, watching the drivers mirror and looking at his son. The lush, green country side flew by as they drove along the road, into town.

"Why?" he asked, generally curious. All his teachers said seatbelts were important, but he never understood why.

"If we get in a car crash, you'll get killed." Hiccup stated, starting to frown.

"As if it would happen to any of us." Zephyr said. "It rarely happens anyway."

"That's not true. Do you know how your Father lost his leg?" Astrid asked her children, still focusing on the road.

"No," they both said in usion.

"It was a really bad car crash." Hamish stated once more, staring out the window. He heard his son's seatbelt zip to its proper position very quickly.

"Dad, you never told us the story." Zephyr said, hoping he'd catch the bait.

"And I'm not going to for a few years, hopefully." He simply replied, not biting the bait, knowing where it would lead to.

"Whyyyyy?" Nuffink complained, slapping his hands on the car seat.

"Because it will give you nightmares, then you'll be like your mum."

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