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There were loud screams and shouts coming from the Haddock house.

"Hiccup! I can't live like this anymore!" Astrid screamed. People watching and listening to their fighting, the gang and Valka for one, were worried about their relationship. Hiccup and Astrid had been doing nothing but fighting since Hiccup became chief, and they suddenly blew up at each other, even at the smallest things. Even through the thick, wooden walls, you could hear Hiccup quietly and gently pleading with her.

"Astrid, please! It's not my fault!"

"Yes, it is Hiccup! Ever since you've become chief your acting different!"

"My Father's dead, Astrid, of course I'm going to be different for a few weeks!" Hiccup argued, another tear dripping from his face. "And ever since then, everything's been dumped on my shoulders!" 

"That doesn't make it okay!" 

"I know, Milady. And I'm trying, I really am! I can't just cancel all these sudden meetings for you, as much as I want to!" 

"Well, I know! But what about your spare time!? You're never anywhere to be found! Hiccup, you're leaving me behind!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Sometimes, sorry isn't good enough," Astrid whispered, her voice cracking and tears streaming down her face. She ran out of the door to see all her friends watching, which just made her even more upset. She ran to Stormfly and took off to the forest areas.

Ruffnut, being the only female there, felt the need to go after her friend. Valka just put a hand on her shoulder, keeping her back.

"Just let her cool down for a moment. I'm going to feed Cloudjumper." She said, before walking off with her dragon.

Inside the Haddock house, Hiccup was still there in the exact same spot, only he had collapsed to his knees, sulking. His dragon came and curled around him, knowing he was in distress. Toothless didn't understand what was going on recently, somehow he killed Stoick. Then, Hiccup pushed him away. Hiccup then reaccepted him, and now his best friend was fighting with his mate?

"I'm fine buddy, I'm fine... Oh Thor, I'm not fine!" Hiccup mumbled to his dragon, hugging him, looking for support. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and he let out continuous choppy sobs and hiccups. Toothless warbled for his rider and gave him a gentle, small, lick. His way of reassuring Hiccup, letting his best human friend know that he will always be there for him.

After hours of Hiccup crying, It was dark outside. Valka had to look after the village all afternoon, knowing her son wouldn't be able to. She walked into her son's house, where she was staying while the final touches of her hut were being finished,  to see Hiccup cuddling his dragon while balling his eyes out. 

"Oh, son. What's wrong?" She asked her son, even though she already knew.

"Oh, mum! I stuffed up so bad! So... friggin... Bad!" He cried, reaching for his mum. She pulled him into a hug and she patted his back.

"It's alright son. You just had a fight, you'll get over it." She tried to reassure but to no avail.

"No, this one was differ- rent! We... we recover quickly.. normally, but this time we didn't. She- she walked out, mum! She pr-probably hates my guts!" Hiccup sobbed, shaking his mum.

"Calm down, son. You're probably just very tired. Get some sleep, and we can talk morning the morning." Valka said, and Hiccup nodded. He trod upstairs quietly, not wanting to wake his sleeping dragon.

Valka walked out of the Haddock household to see a tear-stained Astrid land in the quiet village.

"Astrid? Are you alright?" Valka asked. Astrid just shook her head, jumped off her dragon, and ran into Valka's arms. Astrid found Valka very friendly and homely, more-so than her own mother was. (let's just say for the sake of this shot Astrid's mum died somehow. Not too tragic,) 
"What's wrong love?" She asked, but once again, she knew the answer.

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