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A/N: Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Okay sorry.

Anyway, this is a short drabble about Hiccup receiving a special... Announcement 



Age: 23-24 (Post Httyd 3, before epilogue)

Couples: Hiccstrid, Heathlegs

Place: New Berk


Heather and Astrid were sitting around Astrid's coffee table, talking about random things. One topic, was marriage.

"He proposed to you!?" Astrid exclaimed, and Heather nodded enthusiastically. "That's wonderful! Oh my Thor!"

"What's it like being married?" Heather asked, slightly nervous.

"Oh, it's just putting a more proper title on your relationship. I mean, me and Hiccup were already sleeping in the same bed by the time he proposed, soI guess for you two it will be awesome sleeping in the same bed."

"It will. What's it like for you? Does he take all the room?"

"Well, not really, considering he's smaller than your average viking. He knows the bed's all mine!"

"So not much changes?" Heather asked, slightly disappointed, and she didn't know why.

"Well, not really. Hiccup has decided he's allowed to crack more dirty jokes, and do more... things." Astrid said, avoiding a certain word or two. Heather smirked and rested her head on a hand.

"What type of things, Astrid?"

"Things that were recently done, and now..." Astrid smiled, patting her belly. Heather got the message immediately, and started jumping up and down.

"Oh my Gosh! That's so great! Oh gods, Hiccup will explode! In a good way," she quickly added, making them both laugh. "How are you going to tell him?" Heather asked, but before received an answer, a smiling Hiccup opened the door.

"Good afternoon, milady. Hello Heather," he greeted, hanging his fur coat on the hook next to Astrid's. He walked over to Astrid and placed a kiss beside her ear before going into the kitchen.

"Have a good day today?" Astrid asked, smiling. She loved seeing her husband so happy.

"Yep, I had a great day. Everyone listened, and I could catch up with most of the gang," He said, boiling water for a cup of tea. "How about you two?"

"Yeah, I had a good day. The usual, go out shopping, see Fishlegs, but then I came to see Astrid." Heather replied, looking at her best friend with a smirk. Astrid soon shared the same smirk.

"It was alright, but I'm a bit stuck with a question I can't answer," Astrid told Hiccup's back. He stood and brushed himself of before sitting in a chair across from her.

"Well, what's the question?" He asked. Heather's smirk only widened.

"Well, I suddenly love chicken!"

"But you hate chicken! That's generally impossible... unless... your..." Hiccup trailed off, his eyes widening. He looked at Astrid dead in the eye, and she nodded. He smiled wider than he had ever before, and he jumped out of his seat. He picked Astrid up by the waist and twirled her around and around. By the time he was done with that, Astrid couldn't see straight for about two minutes. He squeezed her, hugging her.

"I'm gonna be a Dad!" he almost yelled, before Astrid placed a hand over his mouth, silencing him immediately.

"Don't let the whole village know!" She whispered, and Heather started cackling with laughter. Soon enough, Hiccup went back to hugging and squeezing Astrid, overjoyed at the news.

Eventually, after months of a mood-swinging Astrid, and Snotlout almost being murdered more than once, baby Zephyr was born, heir of Berk. A few years later, the process was repeated, and along came Nuffink, the second version of Hiccup.

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