Mother's Day

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A/n: I know this has been done before, but here's mine.


Age: 17-18 (rtte season 4)

Couples: Hiccstrid

Place: Berk

Summary: Its Mother's Day on Berk and the Gang go home for a celebration, but what about a certain Chief and his son? Turns out those two have their own traditions revolving this day.


Everyone on the Edge was happily packing their bags, getting ready to fly back to Berk. All, that is, except one Hiccup Haddock. He sighed sadly as he pushed another tail into Toothless' saddlebag, in case his current one broke. 

Meanwhile, everyone else was waiting on the docks for him to turn up.

"Where is he? I wanna go home already!" Ruff complained, and Tuff and Snotlout agreed. 

"Guys! You all know this is hard for Hiccup." Fishlegs cried.

"Let him take his time," Astrid added, and soon enough, Hiccup flew to the docks, miserable.

"You ready Gang?" He asked, and they all nodded taking off. Hiccup followed behind instead of being leader, he really didn't feel like talking today. Eventually, after the long flight, the made it to Berk. They all scattered to go to their parents, while Hiccup slowly pushed open the door of his to see his Dad in the same mood as him, stoking the fire.

"Hello, son. Had a good flight?" Stoick asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"I guess. It's always so long... and slow..." He trailed off, and Toothless nudged him. Hiccup patted his dragon, telling Toothless' it was okay for him to curl up and go to sleep, which is exactly what he did.

Hiccup came up to his Dad and sat down beside him. Stoick placed a hand on his son's shoulder and started talking.

"Look, son. Clearly, this isn't the best time of year for us. Your mother isn't here anymore, but, you know what we do?" He said softly. Hiccup looked up to his dad. "We celebrate her like she would want us too. Of course, its alright to mourn her, but, we have to push forward through hard times, don't we, son?" He asked, and Hiccup nodded.

"I guess your right," he said with a small smile. "Can we... Can we go see her?" He asked as if he were a lost little boy.

"Of course we can, son." Stoick said, standing up.

They walked through the village and they saw a lot of happy faces, everyone enjoying the festivities Stoick had set up and planned.

"How do you do it, Dad? How do you manage to plan all this for everyone, when Mom's not here?" Hiccup asked, looking around as they walked through the busy plaza.

"Well... for the first few years it was hard, but... I had you, and that's what kept me going." He replied, a heartwarming smile on Stoick's face.

Soon enough, they made it to the graveyard. Hiccup took the lead as he weaves his way through all the graves, knowing exactly where his mother was. He stood at the foot of the stone and placed down the flowers he had been carrying previously. 

"I miss you, mum," Hiccup whimpered, his voice cracking. He closed his eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek. Stoick came and stood beside Hiccup, and wrapped an arm around his currently fragile son. Hiccup leaned onto Stoick, happily accepting his support. The chief removed his helmet, holding it at his chest.

"W-why did she go away?" Hiccup sobbed, trying his best to keep the tears from falling.

"She didn't have a choice, son. Valka was taken away by a dragon." Stoick explained.

"But why? Why us?" Hiccup whispered, tears suddenly falling and dripping off his face, he closed his eyes, the grief consuming him. He vaguely remembered his mother, the memories and moments blotchy and not really there.

"I don't know, son. But, with love comes loss... It's all part of the deal." The older man sighed, bowing his head and closing his eyes. Hiccup nodded, palming his face.. although it did little to avoid the incoming ears.

The Haddocks stood in silence, consumed in their own thoughts. Those walking by threw them a pitiful glance that ended up ignored.

Just so happens a few of those people turned out to be the gang walking together, laughing and sharing stories about the parents. But the laughter died down as they saw Hiccup and Stoick standing in the graveyard.

"Poor Hiccup," Astrid sighed, her eyes softening at her clearly upset boyfriend.

"I know. He has probably the saddest History on Berk." Fishlegs added.

"His mother died," Tuff stated.

"We bullied him until he was fifteen." Ruff reminded.

"He also lost his leg." Snotlout joined in.

"To prove his worth to the village! When everyone ignored him! That's loyalty, if you ask me," Fishlegs confirmed, frowning.

From afar, Hiccup's mood was worsening, and so was Stoick's, as they heard they gang talking about Hiccup's life. Hiccup sniffled, wiping his nose on his sleeve.

"I'm sorry, son. I wasn't there for you when you were younger." Stoick mumbled, his voice raspy from the few tears on his own face.

"You were there, Dad... Don't worry about it." Hiccup said, looking up at his Father.

"I love ya, son." Stoick smiled, although somewhat sadly, at his son.

"Love you too, Dad,"

This has also been in my drafts for a while... I think I'm on a roll now!!! Just getting rid of all the old drafts and publishing them. Trust me, theres alotttttttttttt


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