Dinner With The In-laws

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A/n: Another modern AU.
And can we just admire this for a minute:
Is it weird that I find that pretty cute? Art above is nae mine.

Age: 20-21 (After httyd 3, but modern AU)
Couples: Hiccstrid/Hashley
Place: Astrid's house
Summary: A certain conversation at the dinner table gets Hiccup a little excited, so let's watch him suffer in humiliation. ;) W A R N I N G : F L U F F ! ! S W E A R I N G ( M I L D ) ! ! H E A T E D M A K E O U T S E S S I O N S ! !

Friday. The last day of College for eight weeks, the Christmas holidays finally arriving. All the students were rushing around after school chatting with their friends about the upcoming fun they would have in the summer holidays. (In Australia Christmas is in Summer. Lucky us.)

Hamish, Ashley, Heather, Tony, Rosa, Finneas and Scott were gathered round, walking down the large cobblestone path which was the main gateway in and out of the College.

"So are you two planning anything... Specific?" Heather asked pointedly at Hamish and Ashley, and he grabbed her hand where they performed a little twirl, Ashley's back to Hamish's chest, his hands landing on her hips, her hands on his, and his breath blowing against her neck.

"Nothing unusual. A few dates... Sleepovers..." He teased, his voice going almost dangerously low as he whispered in her ear, making her shiver. Tony and Rosa, or more known as Tuffnut and Ruffnut, gagged, making Hamish and Ashley laugh.

"Nothing special. Just like how friends would do it." Ashley laughed, and the gang heaved a collective sigh of relief.

"Awwww! I was hoping you two actually would-"

"No- no. I- I don't need to hear that." Hamish cut Heather off, burying his face in his girlfriend's neck. Ashley chuckled, one of her hands coming to play with his hair.

They were the power couple, everyone knew that. You mess with one, you got the other. You get on the bad side of both of them- you're dead. Luckily Hamish doesn't really hold grudges, otherwise, the whole school would've terminated by Ashley's fist alone. If Hamish didn't wrestle her back from charging at anyone, who knows where they would be? But it was always a sight to see when the two were wrestling, for fun or not. Whenever Hamish is on top they blush, and whenever Ashley is on top they blush. But, most of the time, whenever Hamish had his chance to win, he would help her up – and then she would take her chance and win the match. Ending up with a kiss... or maybe a full-on make-out session.

"Well, I gotta take someone home before her parents' kill me," Hamish eventually said, taking Ashley's hand and walking away after receiving a multitude of 'Goodbye', 'Cya', and 'Good luck!'

"So," Hamish started.


"I brought clothes for tomorrow," he said.

"Good boy." She teased patting his chest.

"Good boy? Am I a dog or something?" Hamish scoffed.

"Yep. You're my dog." She smiled, and he laughed. He picked her up by her waist and placed her at his, her legs flying around him so she didn't fall. She "Yeep"ed, hands clinging onto his neck. "You need to warn me next time," She told him, poking his chest. Bouncing her, arms securely underneath her bottom, he just smiled his dorkish grin.

"You won't fall," He told her, eyes fixated on hers.

"Says the skinny boy."


"Joking, joking. You are actually quite strong..." She trailed off, laying her head on his chest and running a finger along where she knew the dip in his faint 6-pack would be. He shivered, earning weird looks from the rest of the students.

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