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So, coming in first place with two votes is saviour! Those two were @AstridHiccup1223 and @user44564666! Thanks you two for voting and everything, I really appreciated it, and waking up with twenty three notifications made my day! Gives me the warm fuzzy feeling I haven't felt for a while.

So, seeing as the rest only got one or no votes, I'll just make my way down the list, if it makes you guys happy. If you want to change the order, let me know, and I'll write it down. 

Hope you enjoy this oneshot! <3


Age: 21-22

Couples: Hiccstrid/Hashley

Place: A side alley in town (Modern AU)

Summary: You know it already. Hamish is a copper and he saves his beloved from a few criminals that have been running around town. (You might be shocked! Probably not but meh)

Warning: Mention of Rape


Hamish and Jack were driving in their Cop Car to the destination they had been set for the month.

"When do you think we will change positions? This place is so boring!" Jack complained to Hamish, who was driving.

"Its not about being entertained, Jack. It's about helping the people." Hamish sighed, even he knew that wasn't true when it came to their boss.

"Hah! Tell that to me while cops are catching road runners instead of rapists!" Jack scoffed, and Hamish rolled his eyes as he parked the car.

"True," the young man sighed, stepping out of his car. He made sure he got all of his equipment, chest camera, walky talky, gun, taser, all the good stuff. He closed the door and lent on his car, watching the innocent people of the town walk by. Jack joined him, folding his arms and a smug look on his face.

"I bet we look so cool," Jack whispered to Hamish as he caught some young teenage girls looking at him.

"Yeah. With your white hair that makes you look like an old man," Hamish teased, and Jack's jaw dropped.

"Your more old man than I am! You're 22! I'm only 19," Jack boasted to his assigned partner. 

"I'm surprised you even have this apprenticeship. Takes alot to be a copper."

"I know. And I think I'm ready!" He replied, smiling. Just at that moment, a female scream sounded. People walking by stopped what they were doing and went silent, all stares turned towards the coppers.

"Well you better be ready for this, mate! Chest camera on? Got your gear? Gun? Handcuffs? Taser?" Hamish ran down the checklist to Jack, who was starting to freeze in panic, while his partner was running to the scream. 

"COME ON, JACK! THIS WHAT BEING A COPPER IS!" Hamish yelled over his shoulder as he loaded his gun and turned down an alley, sprinting, despite only having one leg. Jack soon recovered, stuttering a 'Yes Sir!' before chasing after Hamish.

Eventually, they found the source of the scream, a group of men surrounding something, or maybe, someone.

"Step back. All of you. Or I shoot," Hamish threatened, voice firm, which made his threat very believable. He held his gun up, and one of them noticed it was loaded and pointed at his leader's head, so he notified the small group and they backed up immediately. Jack, extremely nervous, held his gun up too, shaking.

"Your guns unloaded, mate," Hamish whispered to Jack, not taking his eyes off... their... leader.

"Snotlout," Hamish spat put the name as if it were a sour lemon.

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